Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 Time Series Expression syntax


Time Series Expression (TSX) is a string-based expression language with strong typing. TSX is used to represent the following entities in a Time Series Query.

  • Filter
  • Value
  • Aggregation

Filter expressions

Filter expressions are used to represent boolean clauses. The following table lists examples of filters:

TSX Description
$event.PointValue.Double = 3.14 true for events with double PointValue equal to 3.14
$event.PointValue > 3.14 AND $event.Status.String = 'Good' true for events with PointValue greater than 3.14 and string status Good
$event.$ts > dt'2018-11-01T02:03:45Z' true for events with a time stamp greater than 2018-11-01T02:03:45Z
$event.PointEval.Bool = true true for events with PointValue equal to true

Value expressions

Value expressions are used to depict the value for numeric and categorical variables. A value expression can be a property reference expression of type Double or Long.

For example:

TSX Notes
$event.Temperature.Double The last token in any value expression (in this case Double) is read as the Type of the property.
$event.Temperature The type is assumed to be Double for a property accessed by a single token.
$event['Temperature-Celsius'] Use [ and ] for escaping tokens that have special characters. Additionally, use \ within the brackets to escape the following characters: \ and '.
$event.Temperature.Celsius.Double Use . to access nested properties. When accessing nested properties, the Type is required.
$event.Temperature['Celsius-C'].Double Use [ and ] for escaping tokens that have special characters when accessing nested properties. Additionally, use \ within the brackets to escape the following characters: \ and '. When accessing nested properties, the Type is required.
$event['Temperature']['Celsius'].Double Use of [ and ] for escaping tokens is allowed on any token.

Numeric variable kind

The result of the value expression should be of Double or Long type.

Aggregate variable kind

The result of the value expression can be of any supported types.

Categorical variable kind

The result of the value expression can only be String or Long type.

Aggregation expressions

Aggregate expressions are used to depict the aggregation operation to be used on the query. An aggregate expression results in a single value for each interval. Aggregate expressions can be applied on numeric and aggregate variables.

Aggregation expressions - numeric variable kind

Numeric variables should refer to $value.

Here are the supported aggregate functions.

Aggregate Function Example Description
min min($value) Calculates the minimum of the $value per interval. Avoids null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
max max($value) Calculates the maximum of the $value per interval. Avoids null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
sum sum($value) Calculates the sum of $value over all the events in the interval. Avoids null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
avg avg($value) Calculates the average of $value over all the events in the interval. Avoids null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
first first($value) Returns $value of the first occurring event in the interval by event time stamp. Does not avoid null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
last last($value) Returns $value of the last occurring event in the interval by event time stamp. Does not avoid null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
median median($value) Returns $value of the middle event in the interval by event time stamp. Does not avoid null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
stdev stdev($value) Returns $value of the standard deviation of the events in the interval. Avoids null values. Cannot be used with interpolation.
twsum twsum($value) Returns $value of the time weighted sum of the events in the interval. Requires interpolation.
twavg twavg($value) Returns $value of the time weighted average of the events in the interval. Requires interpolation.
left left($value) Returns the $value at the left edge of the given interval. Requires interpolation.
right right($value) Returns the $value at the right edge of the given interval. Requires interpolation.

Aggregation expressions - aggregate variable kind

Aggregate variables should refer to a Property in the event payload.

Here are the supported aggregate functions.

Aggregate function Example Description
count count() Returns the number of events per interval.
min min($event.Temperature.Double) Calculates the minimum of the property Temperature per interval. Avoids null values.
max max($event.Temperature.Long) Calculates the maximum of the property Temperature per interval. Avoids null values.
sum sum($event.Temperature.Double) Calculates the sum of the property Temperature over all the events in the interval. Avoids null values.
avg avg($event.Temperature.Long) Calculates the average of the property Temperature over all the events in the interval. Avoids null values.
first first($event.Temperature.String) Returns the first occurring (by event time stamp) value of the property Temperature from all the events in the interval. Does not avoid null values.
last last($event.Temperature.String) Returns the last occurring (by event time stamp) value of the property Temperature from all the events in the interval. Does not avoid null values.
median median($event.Temperature.String) Returns the middle occurring (by event time stamp) value of the property Temperature from all the events in the interval. Does not avoid null values.
stdev stdev($event.Temperature.String) Calculates the standard deviation of the property Temperature per interval. Avoids null values.

For an aggregate variable kind, these functions can be combined in the aggregate expression. For example: max($event.Temperature.Long) - min($event.Temperature.Long).


This section describes core syntax concepts and query operators that are concatenated to form expressions.

Supported literals


The literals below are used to form expressions, see the Supported data types article for the full list of data types.

Primitive type Literals
DateTime dt'2016-10-08T03:22:55.3031599Z'
Double 1.23, 1.0
Long 1, 6
String 'abc'
TimeSpan ts'P1Y2M3DT4M5.67S'

Supported operand types

Operation Supported types Notes
<, >, <=, >= Double, Long, DateTime, TimeSpan
=, !=, <> Double, Long, String, Bool, DateTime, TimeSpan, NULL <> is equivalent to !=
+, -, *, / Double, Long, DateTime, TimeSpan

For comparison expressions (<, >, <=, >=, =, !=), the operands can be NULL or be of the same type. In each predicate expression, types of left hand side (LHS) and right hand side (RHS) operands are validated to match. Errors occur when types of LHS and RHS don't agree, or an operation is not allowed on particular types.


String type is not nullable in Warm Store:

  • Comparison of String against NULL and empty string ('') behaves the same way: $event.p1.String = NULL is equivalent to $event.p1.String = ''.
  • API may return NULL values even if original events contained empty strings.

In the future, the same behavior will be on Cold Store.

Do not take dependency on NULL values in String columns and treat them the same way as empty strings.

  • A type check is applied:
    • Any property type is accepted against a NULL literal.
    • Types of LHS and RHS should match.

Here are examples of properties p1 and p2 of type String, property p3 of type Double, and a nested property stored as p4.p5 of type Double:

Filter Is valid? Notes
$event.p1.String = 'abc' Yes
$event.p1.String = $event.p2.String Yes
$event.p1.String = NULL Yes NULL matches any left-side type.
$event.p3.Double = 'abc' No Type mismatch.
$event.p3.Double = $event.p1.String No Type mismatch.
$event.p1 = 'abc' No Type mismatch.
$event.p1 = 1 No Type mismatch.
$event.p1 = true No Type mismatch.
$event.p1 = NULL Yes p1 is the only token used. Interpreted as $event.p1.Double = NULL
$event['p1'] != NULL Yes ['p1'] is the only token used. Interpreted as $event['p1'].Double != NULL
$event.p4.p5 = 0.0 No Invalid property reference syntax. A type must be specified on LHS of comparison.
$event.p4.p5.Double = 0.0 Yes

Supported scalar functions

Below is the list of scalar functions by categories:

Conversion functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
toDouble Double toDouble (value: String, Double, Long) toDouble($event.value.Long) Converts the arguments to Double.
toLong Long toLong (value: String, Double, Long) toLong($event.value.Double + 1.0) Converts the arguments to Long.
toString String toString (value: String, Double, Long) toString($event.value.Double) Converts arguments to String.

Math functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
round Double round(value:Double) round($event.value.Double) Rounds a double-precision floating number to the nearest integral.
ceiling Double ceiling(value:Double) ceiling($event.value.Double) Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to double-precision floating point number.
floor Double floor(value:Double) floor($event.value.Double) Returns the largest integral value that is less than or equal to double-precision floating point number.

Trigonometric functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
cos Double cos(value:Double) cos($event.value.Double) Returns the Cosine of the specified angle in radians.
sin Double sin(value:Double) sin($event.value.Double) Returns the Sine of the specified angle in radians.
tan Double tan(value:Double) tan($event.value.Double) Returns the Tangent of the specified angle in radians.
acos Double acos(value:Double) acos($event.value.Double) Returns the angle in radians whose Cosine is the specified number.
asin Double asin(value:Double) asin($event.value.Double) Returns the angle in radians whose Sine is the specified number.
atan Double atan(value:Double) atan($event.value.Double) Returns the angle in radians whose Tangent is the specified number.
atan2 Double atan2(value1:Double, value2:Double) atan2($event.value1.Double, $event.value2.Double) Returns the angle in radians whose Tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.

Logarithmic functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
log Double log(value:Double) log($event.value.Double) Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number.
log2 Double log2(value:Double) log2($event.value.Double) Returns the base 2 logarithm of a specified number.
log10 Double log10(value:Double) log10($event.value.Double) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

DateTime Functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
monthOfYear Long monthOfYear(value:DateTime) monthOfYear($event.$ts) Returns the month of the year as a numeric for the provided DateTime.
dayOfMonth Long dayOfMonth(value:DateTime) dayOfMonth($event.$ts) Returns the day of the month as a numeric for the provided DateTime.
hourOfDay Long hourOfDay(value:DateTime) hourOfDay($event.$ts) Returns the hour of the day as a numeric for the provided DateTime.
utcNow DateTime utcNow() utcNow() Returns current time in UTC format.

String functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
toUpper String toUpper(value:String) toUpper($event.value.String) Returns input string converted to uppercase.
toLower String toLower(value:String) toLower($event.value.String) Returns input string converted to lowercase.
strLen Long strLen(value:String) strLen($event.value.String) Returns the number of the characters in the string argument.
strCat Long strCat(value1:String, value2:String) strCat($event.value1.String, $event.value2.String) Concatenates two specified input strings.
subString String subString(value:String, startIndex:Double, length:Double) subString($event.value.String, 2.0, 4.0) Retrieves a substring from this instance.
trim String trim(value:String) trim($event.value.String) Returns a new string by removing all leading and trailing white-space characters from the input string.
indexOf Long indexOf(value:String, subString:String) indexOf($event.value.String, 'abc') Returns the first occurrence of the specified string within the original string, based on zero indexing.
replace String replace(value:String, searchString:String, replaceString:String) replace($event.value.String, 'abc', 'xyz') Returns a string where all occurrences of the search string are replaced with the replacement string.

Other Functions

Function name Signature Example Notes
coalesce String, Long, Double, Bool coalesce (value: String, Long, Double, Bool) coalesce(toLong($event.value.Double), $event.value.Long) Returns the first non-null value in the argument list. Accepts at minimum 2 and at maximum 64 arguments, but they must all be of the same data type.
iff String, Long, Double, Bool iff (predicate: bool, ifTrue: String, Long, Double, Bool, ifFalse: String, Long, Double, Bool) iff ($event.value.Double > 100, 'Good', 'Bad') Returns the second or third argument depending on whether the predicate resolved to true (returns second argument) or false (returns third argument). The predicate must be a Boolean expression and the second and third arguments must be of the same type.

See also

  • For more information about application registration and the Azure Active Directory programming model, see Azure Active Directory for developers.

  • To learn about request and authentication parameters, read Authentication and authorization.

  • Tools that assist with testing HTTP requests and responses include:

  • Fiddler. This free web debugging proxy can intercept your REST requests, so you can diagnose the HTTP request and response messages.

  • You can use this tool to quickly dump the claims in your bearer token and then validate their contents.

  • Postman. This is a free HTTP request and response testing tool for debugging REST APIs.

  • Learn more about Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 by reviewing the Gen2 documentation.