Sharepoint Validation for Multiple Actions and Multiple Target Dates

Dancer 0 Reputation points

I have a list that comprising of 6 Action columns that when they have a text entry a corresponding Target column then requires a mandatory Target date.

These work for the Action and Target but I can't get the formula for more than once action.


=AND(NOT(ISBLANK([Action])), NOT(ISBLANK([Target])))

I have tried =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Action])),NOT(ISBLANK([Target])),




=AND(NOT(ISBLANK([Action])), NOT(ISBLANK([Target])),AND(OR(NOT(ISBLANK([Action1])),NOT(ISBLANK([Target1])) )))

Any help?

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  1. Dancer 0 Reputation points

    This worked =IF(ISBLANK(Action1),TRUE,NOT(ISBLANK(Target1)))=IF(ISBLANK(Action2),TRUE,NOT(ISBLANK(Target2)))

  2. AllenXu-MSFT 16,961 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    [SharePoint Validation for Multiple Actions and Multiple Target Dates]

    Issue Symptom:

    I have a list that comprising of 6 Action columns that when they have a text entry a corresponding Target column then requires a mandatory Target date.

    These work for the Action and Target but I can't get the formula for more than once action.

    Current status:

    Solved by this formula:


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