SCCM need to remove the network access account and replace with Use computer account of the configuration manager client

Draconna 476 Reputation points

Hello, I have been asked by security to remove the SCCM network access account. We use this account for task sequences and image deployment. I went to the software distribution component properties and unchecked the "specify the account that access network locations" and checked "Use the computer account of the configuration manager client" Then I tested our task sequences and image deployments, they failed. I reviewed logs and it is folder access issues. So I reviewed all the folder permissions that the network access account had access to and I added "Domain Computers" and "Authenticated Users" to those folders with read/execute. Will this fix the problem? I feel like I might be missing something else. Thanks.123.PNG

Microsoft Configuration Manager
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Accepted answer
  1. Sherry Kissinger 3,806 Reputation points

    Weird... I thought if you had enabled Enhanced HTTP, one rarely needed the NAA

    Unless... are your TS' and Image deployments using "Access content directly from a distribution point "? instead of 'download...' ?

    But I guess, yes, if you are trying to access content direct from a DP with a TS or Image deployment, you'll need to do what you did, on your DPs.

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  1. Harry Johnston 1 Reputation point

    Accounts used in Configuration Manager lists the following actions that use the network access account:

    • Multicast
    • The task sequence option "Access content directly from a distribution point..."
    • The Request State Store task sequence step. At a guess, this one is the most likely to catch people out.
    • The Apply OS Image task sequence step if the "Access content directly from the distribution point" option is configured
    • The Task Sequence "Run another program first" setting
    • Clients in untrusted domains and cross-forest scenarios