Azure Computer VIsion - Face unable to load examples or pictures

Bob C 20 Reputation points

I am unable to run the example for Computer Vision Face. I have the Free Subscription but it does not show up on my drop down. Here are my steps:

  1. I enter Vision Studio
  2. select Face
  3. select Detect Faces on Image
  4. select one of the sample images

and no "Detected attributes" are shown as well as no JSON code.

The right hand box says "please select a resource" (picture attached).

User's image

When I select this link, it takes me "Select an Azure Resource" where there is nothing in the drop down box unless you create a new one. If you create a new resource, it gives you the following:

User's image

I do not have any resources.

Any ideas?

Azure Face
Azure Face
An Azure service that provides artificial intelligence algorithms that detect, recognize, and analyze human faces in images.
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  1. VasaviLankipalle-MSFT 15,161 Reputation points

    Hello @Bob C , as I mentioned earlier try to check your resource pricing tier by navigating to the Azure portal. For more information, please review this View and filter Azure resource information page.

    User's image

    Deleting resource might not help try to purge a deleted resource as mentioned here:

    Also please note that currently the supported regions are West US 2, East US, West Europe try to create resource under these:

    If you still face this issue, I suggest upgrading your pricing tier to standard.

    I hope this helps.


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