Mouse/USB components randomly disconecting and reconnecting

sam Snelling 0 Reputation points

Hello, so recently my PC has been experiencing some problems where my mouse will disconnect and reconnect in a few seconds. This issue only seems to occur when I am in an intensive video game, like Halo infinite.

I'm using a Razer mouse, and have tried unistalling Razer Synapse with a fresh install. but doesnt seem to have any effects

I've also turned off device disconnect to save power in device manager for my USB devices. I Also figured that this was a USB bandwith problem since my computer has a lot of pc components, I've installed a PCIe USB extender, and also updated my BIOS to the latest version. it might be a power issue but I am unsure. I'm not sure if this is a software or hardware issue so any input would be appricated, I am happy to provide what ever is needed.
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  1. Hania Lian 9,586 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello, Firstly, I suggest that you could try to perform a clean boot. Then try to check windows update. If any update could be found, install it. Meanwhile, some USB and driver settings you could check the in the link below. Please Note: This response contains links to third parties, which we provide for convenience of reference, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the validity of any information and content in this link. Best Regards, Hania Lian

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