Typescript Declaration Files showing as compilation error in Completely Unrelated Project

Bob Crowley 0 Reputation points

This has been happening since the dawn of time and I'm finally annoyed enough to reach out to see if this can be resolved.

I have a VS solution (this one happens to be a Blazor App) that shows hundreds of errors in http.d.ts which is not in my solution at all. It is here: \Users\tekhe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TypeScript\5.2\node_modules@types\node\https.d.ts

Now, I suppose that is being used somehow by the client side wasm project to make http requests via HttpClient but I'm getting tired of looking at it. Despite the errors, the solution compiles and runs. How do I get rid of these errors? FYI, I always keep VS up-to-date.

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BTW, it is not just http.d.ts, it is a bunch of d.ts files.

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  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 56,026 Reputation points

    these errors are from the typescript compiler which is a node application. I would guess you installed the typescript at some point. if your blazor app is not using typescript, just delete the tsconfig.json, package.json and node_modules folder. if you are using typescript, I'd update typescript module.

    you can also turn off typescript support in msbuild:


    note: your typescript is not the current version