What does the WTS_E_EXTRACTIONPENDING HRESULT returned by IThumbnailCache::GetThumbnail mean?

jl-syno 0 Reputation points

Attemting to call IThumbnailCache::GetThumbnail on an dehydrated placeholder (i.e. from OneDrive or other sync programs that utilize Cloud Filter) which its thumbnail doesn't exist in the Windows Thumbnail Cache results in "WTS_E_EXTRACTIONPENDING".

If I wait for some time then call IThumbnailCache::GetThumbnail then it'll succeed, so I assume "WTS_E_EXTRACTIONPENDING" means "You triggered the OS to extract and save the thumbnail into the cache, but you must wait"? If so, then how would I know when? Other than calling IThumbnailCache::GetThumbnail with WTS_INCACHEONLY every 100 milliseconds or so?

Other interfaces for extracting thumbnails also return this HRESULT code, like IThumbnailProvider or IShellItemImageFactory. This HRESULT code "WTS_E_EXTRACTIONPENDING" does not show on ony of the documents. I presume this is a new thing introduced along the Cloud Filter API?

Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
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