How to version the dotnet core assemblies when creating image using a dockerfile

Danish Ahmed 0 Reputation points

I have a dotnet core 6.0 api running which is building perfectly fine using a docker file and being deployed to aks. We are using Azure devops pipelines. Our team lead wants to version the assemblies now.

Heres what I have tried so far but doesn't seem to work (following is part of a docker file)

ARG assemblyversion # < recently added for versioning

RUN dotnet restore  "lpi.csproj" \

--configfile "/build/sources/NuGet.Config"  \

 -r alpine-x64  /p:configuration=release  

RUN dotnet publish  "lpi.csproj" \

  --no-restore \

  -c Release \

  -o ./output \

  -r alpine-x64 \

  --self-contained true \

  /p:Version=$assemblyversion \ # < recently added for versioning

  /p:PublishReadyToRun=false \

  /p:PublishReadyToRunShowWarnings=false \


#command used in pipeline to build the image

docker-compose build lpi --build-arg assemblyversion=$(build.buildnumber)

#Getting this error everytime I run the command above.

ERROR: Service 'lpi' failed to build. The command '/bin/sh ..... returned a non-zero code: 1

When I remove the /p:Version=$assemblyversion \ from docker file. It builds fine.

Is it the correct way to version the assemblies when docker is involved?

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