UWP Blank app throws error code: The app didn't start.. Activation phase: COM ActivateExtension

MUDIDE Goutham 0 Reputation points

I'm trying to integrate a native DLL project (has huge code with 3rd party dependencies) to Blank UWP. The Blank App project build fine but throws error when it is lauched.

In Event Viewer, log suggests Error code: The app didn't start.. Activation phase: COM ActivateExtension.

Below is the artticle about "How to: Use existing C++ code in a Universal Windows Platform app" which states that UWP Apps run in a protected environment. As a result, many Win32, COM, and CRT API calls that might compromise platform security aren't allowed. The /ZW compiler option can detect such calls and generate an error. You can use the App Certification Kit on your application to detect code that calls disallowed APIs. For more information, see Windows App Certification Kit****.

does that mens DLL project can't be integrated?

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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