A weired error about HTTP 500 !

Alick Wang 266 Reputation points

I created a web user asp.net 8.0 mvc without ef.

When I modify the stucture of oracle datebase table ,such as add a field ,then the web related to the table report a error about HTTP 500 . But after I restart the iis,it works well without doing anything else!

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  1. Bruce (SqlWork.com) 56,526 Reputation points

    As we can not see your code, we have no idea why it behaves this way. I’d assume you have some init code that needs to run on a schema change.

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  2. Alick Wang 266 Reputation points

    .net 8.0 with Dependency Injection

    In Program.cs


    In Account.cs

    public class Account : IAccount


    private readonly IOptions<DAL._DBConnStr> _dbconnStr;

    public Account(IOptions<DAL._DBConnStr> dbconnStr)


    _dbconnStr = dbconnStr;


    public DataTable GetRoles()


    using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(_dbconnStr.Value.myConnectionString))


    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    OracleCommand selectCmd = new OracleCommand("select * from roles order by sortindex", conn);

    OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter();

    da.SelectCommand = selectCmd;


    return dt;



    In AccountController

    IAccount AccountDA;

    public AccountController(IAccount accountDA)


    AccountDA = accountDA;


    public IActionResult Login(string ua)


    DataTable dt = AccountDA.GetUserAccountByUser(ua);
