Azure IoT Middleware for Freertos - Failed to establish MQTT connection, error 0x00000006

leo lee 0 Reputation points


I used the ESP32S3 for azure iot connection and according to the code I have done the following:


prvConnectToServerWithBackoffRetries --> OK

AzureIoTProvisioningClient_Init --> OK

AzureIoTProvisioningClient_Register --> OK

AzureIoTProvisioningClient_GetDeviceAndHub --> OK

IoT Hub:

prvConnectToServerWithBackoffRetries --> OK

AzureIoTHubClient_OptionsInit --> OK

AzureIoTHubClient_Init --> OK

But it fails in the call to AzureIoTHubClient_Connect with the previous log messages. AzureIoTResult_t value is 1.

We also encountered the same problem, and then we updated the certificate and this problem still occurred:

E (28665) MQTT: Connection refused: not authorized.

E (28665) MQTT: CONNACK recv failed with status = MQTTServerRefused.

E (28675) MQTT: MQTT connection failed with status = MQTTServerRefused.

E (28685) AZ IOT: Failed to establish MQTT connection:, MQTT error=0x00000006.

In the same question, I saw that deleting the Module ID would allow me to connect to azure iot, but I tried to leave the MODULE ID unconfigured or leave it empty.

Can you please help me? Please help check it.

Azure IoT
Azure IoT
A category of Azure services for internet of things devices.
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Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Hub
An Azure service that enables bidirectional communication between internet of things (IoT) devices and applications.
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