I am receiving "Internal Server Error" on all batch speech to text requests

Dustin Harmon 0 Reputation points

The Azure batch speech to text service has been working for us for some time, but today all of our requests started receiving "internal server error" responses.

  "properties": {     
     "error": {
      "code": "Internal",
      "message": "Internal server error."
    "diarization": {
      "speakers": {
        "minCount": 1,
        "maxCount": 5
  "status": "Failed",

After troubleshooting the application I discovered we are even getting this error when using the Azure Speech Studio when uploading various audio files (mp3 or wav)
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Is it possible to get more details on the cause of the internal server error?

Azure AI Speech
Azure AI Speech
An Azure service that integrates speech processing into apps and services.
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