Functions not available post upgrade to .net8/v4 and deployment through build pipeline

Kothai Ramanathan (SC-ALT) 51 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

Migrated my project from netcoreapp3.1/v3 to net8.0/v4 using the Upgrade tool.

When I publish my local machine, it prompts to upgrade the version to v4 and I am able to see the functions in the function app.

But when I use the build pipeline, the functions are not visible. This is the task that I use for the build.

  - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2

    displayName: 'Publish Function'


      command: 'publish'

      publishWebProjects: false

      projects: '**/xxx.csproj'

      arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --output $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/buildoutput/Release/Support'

      zipAfterPublish: true

Please advice.

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
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