No nextlink in response when listing DNSZones with $top set to 1000

Magnús Gunnarsson 0 Reputation points

If I set the for the $top parameter to 1000 when listing Azure DNS zones I get a response with 1000 results but no nextLink property, even though I have more than 1000 zones in my setup.

The API is not returning 400 Bad request like it does when the $top parameter value is set to high, in fact it gives me a success status code and the response contains 1000 zones from my setup, but no nextLink to fetch more pages with the rest of the zones in my setup.

So is this a bug with the nextLink property not being included when the page size becomes large or is this behavior documented somewhere?

Azure DNS
Azure DNS
An Azure service that enables hosting Domain Name System (DNS) domains in Azure.
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