WPF extremely slow when using .Net Standard controls

zequion 171 Reputation points

WPF extremely slow when using .Net Standard controls

I have a WPF application in .Net Framework 4.8 and I am trying to compile it in .Net 8.

The application employs some DevExpress controls. I have added almost all the Dll's from the directory "C:\Program Files\DevExpress 22.2\Components\Bin\NetCore" but some Dll's, which are necessary to start the execution, are only in "C:\Program Files\DevExpress 22.2\ Components\Bin\Standard" -> DevExpress.Data.v22.2 (It is responsible for the execution of MainWindow) and DevExpress.Pdf.v22.2.Core and DevExpress.Pdf.v22.2.Drawing.

The problem is that, as soon as the execution begins, on the line

this.InitializeComponent(); It takes about 4 minutes to finish and exit to the next line and the computer seems saturated. When you go from line to line with F11, you are left thinking.

I have created the new project instead of using "Upgrade" adding the minimum number of Dll's but again it does the same thing.

One of the controls is WinForms Devcomponents that is used in another WinForms application that uses the same dll's and is only added to compile. The same with LogicNP.CryptoLicensing

I have compiled 2 other WPF applications that use almost no controls and no DevExpress controls and they work normally.

Shows an image of the project.

Video in: https://youtu.be/4u9LFc5GYAI


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  1. zequion 171 Reputation points

    I have recovered a WPF .Net Framework 4.8 project from the DevExpress website made by themselves. It works normally. Next I ran "Upgrade" from VS to compile in .Net 8 and I added the same controls and some more that the project asks for when executing.

    It can be seen that the second project takes several minutes to finish executing and leaves the computer saturated.

    As I explain, it seems that the reference "DevExpress.Data" is responsible for executing the project and this reference is only available in the directory "C:\Program Files\DevExpress 22.2\Components\Bin\Standard" but not in "Bin\ NetCore". It may have something to do with the problem.

    I include the projects in the attached file. I hope these projects will be used so we can test to fix the problem.


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  2. zequion 171 Reputation points

    I have found the problem. I was able to install the latest version of the DevExpress controls and they removed everything from the "Bin\Standard" folder and added the controls to the "Bin\NetCore" folder. So the problem was from the previous version 22.2 in which all the controls were not compiled to Core and is solved in version 23.2.

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