How to point to a specific .editorconfig in a solution file?

Wendy Liang 0 Reputation points

I see in the Roslyn open source project, Roslyn.sln points to the .editorconfig it wants to use. How does it work for me if I want to do the same: pointing to a specific .editorconfig in my solution file?

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  1. P a u l 10,406 Reputation points

    Do you mean how can you add a Solution-level .editorconfig? You can just save one next to your .sln file, then in Visual Studio right click on your Solution, click "Add > Existing Item..." & select your .editorconfig, then it should appear under the "Solution Items" virtual folder in VS & that'll apply to everything inside the Solution.

    If you want to generate an .editorconfig from your editor settings, you can go to "Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Code Style", then click the "Generate .editorconfig file from settings" button, then save it somewhere in your solution folder.