Get enum string from integer

StewartBW 565 Reputation points


I have this enum:

    Friend Enum Blah As Integer
        Zero = 0
        One = 1
        Two = 2
    End Enum

I will get an integer and need to return the related string.

ie will need to convert 1 to One.

Select Case InputInteger
 Case 0
  Return Zero
End Select

This will work but a short direct convertion?


An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
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  1. Dewayne Basnett 1,361 Reputation points

    This should work also

        Dim foo As Blah = CType(InputInteger, Blah)
        Dim s As String = foo.ToString
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  1. Jiachen Li-MSFT 27,496 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @StewartBW ,

    You can achieve a more concise conversion from an integer to the corresponding enum name by using the Enum.GetName method.

        Public Function ConvertIntegerToEnumName(value As Integer) As String
            Return [Enum].GetName(GetType(Blah), value)
        End Function

    Best Regards.

    Jiachen Li

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