[ ! ] AZ 204 challenge Error on Module named create-long-running-serverless-workflow-with-durable-functions

rdp 0 Reputation points

Dear Azure Subject knowledge expert,

I am doing Azure developer challenge (AZ 204). Although I followed the instructions on the portal it led to an error message. I retried it 5 times therefore reaching out to you. Please guide.

Module name: Create a long-running serverless workflow with Durable Functions

Error Name: 500 Internal Server Error. Durable HTTP trigger fails to start.

Step name: Verify that the durable functions workflow starts

Step numbers in which the error occurred

3.Select the HttpStart function. The HttpStart pane appears for your function.

4.On selecting Get Function Url and copy the URL. Your URL should resemble the following example:

Scenario: When Durable HTTP starter's endpoint( url mentioned below) was triggered it led to the 500 internal server error

The url is https://fnapp-deepikalab-mslearn-mod5.azurewebsites.net/api/orchestrators/OrchFunction?code=US_lr5HdnBg93xIryrdzTZVKOI3Co2AYowIOYWIrSjFBAzFuF_hocA==

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Please guide to debug. If you can join me in a Microsoft team's call and show how to figure out it would be great.

Also, I tried to debug with ChatGPT that had 2 suggestions. One to check the app version and second was to check the log.

suggestion1 was to check package.json. But I do not know how what to correct here. . User's image

Suggestion 2 was to check log. So, I opened activity log in the function. But do did not know how to proceed.

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Thank you,


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