Unable to access setup console for CycleCloud "Azure CycleCloud has no subscriptions and you do not have permissions to configure them"

Timothy Middelkoop 1 Reputation point

Unable to create or configure a cluster. After connecting to the public IP of the CycleCloud instance (configured with most defaults) the following error is given:

"This installation of Azure CycleCloud has no subscriptions and you do not have permissions to configure them. Please contact an administrator."

Using CycleCloud 8.1 on a trial subscription.

Azure CycleCloud
Azure CycleCloud
A Microsoft tool for creating, managing, operating, and optimizing high-performance computing (HPC) and big compute clusters in Azure.
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  1. KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 18,642 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    I investigated and it looks like you may not have the required permissions to achieve this. Please ensure that you have the global admin rights and try again. If you still see this issue, let me know.

    We have seen instances before when initial CycleCloud user created a user account for a second user. That second user then accessed Cyclecloud and found that they have too limited permissions to finish the CC configuration. In those cases, the first user needed to add additional permissions - global admin for the second user.

    Also wanted to highlight that the free trial subscriptions usually only allow 4 vCPUs per family which isn't enough to get the full capabilities of cyclecloud.

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  2. Timothy Middelkoop 1 Reputation point

    I can confirm that I am not a "GLOBAL ADMIN." I am just owner on my subscription but do not have admin access on the organization and will not be able to get that access level that it is inappropriate for what I am doing. Does this mean I cannot use CycleCLoud with only a plain subscription and no admin rights to the organization? Thanks.

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