Deprecation related to OrganizationServiceProxy class and Discovery Service

MS CRM Developer 1 Reputation point

According to the below link, OrganizationServiceProxy class is deprecated.

I have used the OrganizationServiceProxy class in the connector written in C# that has used the SDK assemblies. The connector is used to connect the MS Dynamics instances of 2015, 2016, Dynamics 365 for on-premise and online both.

Shall I need to change the connector for using CrmServiceClient instead of OrganizationServiceProxy class?

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  1. Julian Sharp 31 Reputation points MVP

    It is the use of the Office 365 authentication that is deprecated. You need to use OAuth for authenticating

    See this for what you need to do, and yes CrmServiceClient is part of the solution but if you reference OrganizationServiceProxy in your code you need to replace that as wekk

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