FsLogix - Unclean logoff causing locked files until server reboot

Much R 71 Reputation points

Problem is described by M4deman under unclean-logoff-causing-locked-files-until-server-reboot

It seems to have something to do with the 2009 version.
The latest version of FSLogix is installed whats-new


After a user logoff, the "System" Process (PID 4) locks the following folders:


The user is completely logged of, according to Task Manager.

In the FSLogix Profile Log file I can see the following:

[07:53:55.601][tid:00000c90.0000ce44][ERROR:00000020] Delete profile failed for sid S-1-5-21-3364776539-3721753400-1968955100-1179, Cleaning up manually. (Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.)
The last sentence means that the process cannot access the file, because another process already uses it.

Also the whole "local_username" folder cannot be deleted:

[08:23:15.479][tid:00000c90.0000bcc4][WARN: 00000005] Failed to delete C:\Users\local_usename (Access is denied)
Access Denied

Does someone have any info on this behaviour?

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  1. Sven Goossens 1 Reputation point

    We saw the issue dissappear after completely removing the antivirus. So I'm not really sure this is caused by Fslogix.

  2. CitrixMember 6 Reputation points

    Any improvements with frxrobocopy.exe tool inside fslogix\apps?

  3. CitrixMember 6 Reputation points

    Finally! New FSLogix version out on public review!
    Anyone tried this version according to the problems?
    It seems the problems is mentioned here fixed.


  4. Андрей Михалевский 2,641 Reputation points

    Hello. Has anyone been able to fix this ? Please share the solution.

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  5. Daniel Viklund 12 Reputation points

    Looks like this problem still exist with the latest version 2.9.7838.44263

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