Can I remove the /sched mount point and its associated disk from an Open PBS cluster created by CycleCloud


I used CycleCloud and successfully deployed a cluster managed by OpenPBS. It uses OpenLogic's Centos 8.1 image for all the nodes, and everything is working fine.

But the problem is that my head node has a 1TB disk attached to it, mounted on /sched, and this directory seems to be empty, so I am basically paying for a disk I am not using, and the disk is ephemeral so I can't even save any files in there since I can lose it all in a system failure or VM termination.

So my question is, how can I change the deployment of this OpenPBS cluster so that it doesn't have this unnecessarily large temporary disk?

Thank you,

Eric Nardi

Azure CycleCloud
Azure CycleCloud
A Microsoft tool for creating, managing, operating, and optimizing high-performance computing (HPC) and big compute clusters in Azure.
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  1. Anonymous

    Hi @vipullag-MSFT ,

    thank you for your response. Actually, after I posted my question I tried messing around with cluster templates available on GitHub, and from the OpenPBS template I was able to remove the disk by removing every line mentioning the disk. After that I imported the template using Cyclecloud CLI and created a new cluster without the unwanted disk. I am now testing if everything is okay before trying to update my current (production environment) cluster template.

    Do you see any issues with this approach?

    The cluster is composed of Standard_D8a_v4 for the head node, and the Execute nodes are created from the HB series (HB60 and HB120). The image used to create them is OpenLogic's CentOS 8.1:

    ImageOffer: CentOS-HPC
    ImagePublisher: OpenLogic
    ImageSku: 8_1
    ImageVersion: 8.1.2020121000

    To create the cluster I used the default OpenPBS template available on CycleCloud 8.

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