Uwp partner center - durable add-ons price with a template or import

Emil Alipiev 276 Reputation points

I have many durable add-ons with the "same base price" for my uwp app. I need to set a price for each durable add-on and i want to also set specific base price for different countries. So this is a lot of work. This is a repeated work for each durable. I am wondering is there an easy way to achieve it like Android Play store.
For example on Android play store there is a price template and i can create it only once and assign to the Android in app purchases(add-ons).

Microsoft Partner Center
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  1. Roy Li - MSFT 32,566 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!

    I am wondering is there an easy way to achieve it like Android Play store.

    Currently, there is no such template to do this. You could submit a feature request in the Feedback Hub about this. You could find the Feedback Hub in the Start Menu.

    Thank you.

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