AzureAD Licenses via Group or directAssignment - GroupsAssigningLicense via AzureAD Module

juni dev 336 Reputation points


I need to make a report of users Licenses (which licenses they have and if assigned directly or via group assignment and which group)
I found a way of doing it with MSOnline ps module but I need to do it with the AzureAD ps module. Is that possible?

Many thanks

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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  1. T. Kujala 8,706 Reputation points

    Hi @junidev-0033,

    I have used the following management tool to get reports about licenses in Azure and 365.

    Could this be helpfull for you?

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