Which is easiest solution to get connected to Azure SQL database without SIGN in and saving an Client IP everytime?

Manali 1 Reputation point

I have created SQL server, SQL database in azure.I dont have VM,Azure directory,virtual network.Whenever i want to connect to azure SQL database i need to sign in SQ server management studio,then set IP and also in azure portal i need to save my client IP address in set firewalls rules everyday. which is time consuming. which is easiest solution to get connected to Azure SQL database?

Also i want to connect to azure SQL server database from any location.

Azure SQL Database
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  1. Ronen Ariely 15,096 Reputation points

    Good day Manali,

    The goal of DBA is NOT make the connection easy but secured!

    which is easiest solution to get connected to Azure SQL database?

    Therefore, your request make no sense to me. It is probably one of the worse requirement I saw for long time.

    You do understand that someone that will connect to your server with the right permissions will be able to create new database using 80 VCORE and 396 GB MEMORY, which will cost you more than 40000$ (40k) a month.

    Can you take this risk for the sake of having 2 minutes faster connection which you do once a day max?

    Anyhow, if this is what you want, then what can I say :-)

    The simplest option is to configure the firewall to allow all existing IP and publish your user name and password in your Facebook page and other public channels

    A more "sense" scenario is "only" to open the firewall for all existing IP to 255.255, and keep the password safe.

    A more sense scenario will be to open the firewall only to IP addresses which you might use. For example, you can open all the ranges of your country, or better will be to open all the ranges of your ISP provider. As the group of users which use the range you open is smaller, then you are more secure!

    All the above options should probably never be implemented by anyone in production, and if you do it, then I highly recommend you not to let anyone know that you did it, since it might reduce your chance to find your next work place.

    What can be done to make the procedure of register IP manually each time you connect to the server?

    (1) You can create a simple powershell script file, which will find the current IP and register it in the firewall of the Azure logical SQL Server.

    This still not well secure for production, but at least you have only a single file to keep safe (the script file includes the LOGIN information)

    This way, You won't have to go through the whole procedure of logging in to your account with your browser. You will only need one click on the file, just before you open the SSMS.

    (2) You can develop a small extension to the SSMS to do the same as the PowerShell script does. This is more secure then above option since the password can be safe hidden in the extension app side.

    (3) Create a VPN and use it to connect the server

    I dont have VM,Azure directory,virtual network.

    (4) So you can create these.

    Note! You can configure a database level firewall. If you have to open the connection then at least do it in the database level.

    1 person found this answer helpful.
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