Regarding "this release [20348] doesn't introduce new APIs" and missing SDK

Jöran Malek 76 Reputation points

So … on the Windows 10 SDK download page I read

A new Windows SDK will not be issued to accompany this version of Windows because this release doesn’t introduce new APIs.

But looking at these documentation sites:

I do see new APIs. I can't create new UWP apps for Windows 10 Build 20348 using those APIs listed, because they are not available in 19041 - ignoring the fact that there is absolutely no information for anything regarding the managed storage provider APIs.

Additionally, "there is no new APIs" - but new enum members defined: This is new in Windows 10 20348, not available in 19041: CF_CONVERT_FLAGS::CF_CONVERT_FLAG_FORCE_CONVERT_TO_CLOUD_FILE

So … why is it then, that there is no new SDK for Windows.Storage.Provider.CloudFilesContract v6? How should I as a developer consume it, when there is nothing available? Please update the changelog here to include changes to those WinRT APIs which just have been added.

Manually having to install the SDK is not a solution, as it should be Day 1 available in Visual Studio Installer. In addition to missing NuGet packages for Microsoft.Windows.Sdk.Contracts.

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
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Visual Studio Setup
Visual Studio Setup
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device.
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