HDInsight Cluster Deployment Failure

James Robert Hizon 26 Reputation points

Hi. I currently am experiencing issues using Azure HDInsight cluster for a Mini-Project through Springboard. I am curious as to why I am receiving the following error after deploying my cluster:

{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/DeployOperations for usage details.","details":[{"code":"AmbariClusterCreationFailedErrorCode","message":"Internal server error occurred while processing the request. Please retry the request or contact support. The following host components failed to start up: OOZIE_SERVER, SPARK2_THRIFTSERVER."}]}


Azure HDInsight
Azure HDInsight
An Azure managed cluster service for open-source analytics.
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  1. PRADEEPCHEEKATLA-MSFT 81,396 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @James Robert Hizon ,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform.

    Could you please share the VM sizes of the (headnode, worknode)?

    Note: You will experience this issue when you’ve selected very small VM’s while creating the HDInsight cluster. Due to lack of resources will fail to deploy within the planned timeout. Hence this causes your deployment to fail.

    To resolve this issue, make sure to choose the recommended node configuration and virtual machine sizes for your HDInsight clusters.


    Please refer to supported VM sizes, depending on cluster type and planned workloads:

    Azure HDInsight supported node configurations | Microsoft Learn

    Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.


    Please "Accept the answer" if the information helped you. This will help us and others in the community as well.

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