Can I retain volumes when I delete Cyclecloud cluster ?

哲司 石田 1 Reputation point

I would like to retain volumes (Disks) which contain important data when I delete cluster.
Even if I set persistent parameter to true, volumes are deleted.

Azure CycleCloud
Azure CycleCloud
A Microsoft tool for creating, managing, operating, and optimizing high-performance computing (HPC) and big compute clusters in Azure.
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  1. Leon Laude 85,691 Reputation points


    By default, a volume will be created when the instance is started, and deleted when the instance is terminated. If you want to preserve the data on the volume even after the instance is terminated you will have to make it a persistent volume.

    More information here:

    Best regards,

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  2. 哲司 石田 1 Reputation point

    Thank you so much Leon-san.

    I regret that I didn't expain what I want to do exactly.

    First, I want to attach a virtual disk which was already made to master node. This disk contain applications and datas, so we can avoid to install those one when we deploy a cluster.

    To do so, I added following configurations into a template.

        # Voleme for Applications
        [[[volume apps]]]
        VolumeId = ${AppsDisk}
        Mount = apps
        Persistent = true

    In this example, ${AppDisk} is a resource ID of existing virtual disk.

    When I deployed a cyclecloud cluster, I found an existing disk are attached on master node properly. But when I delete this cluster, this disk was deleted too.

    So I suppose persistent option is invalit for the existing disks.

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