HoloLens 2: device portal memory leak

LostMRDev 21 Reputation points

There seems to be a memory leak in the device portal's mixed reality capture area.

When periodically calling the photo capture api, the device memory in use increases.


/api/holographic/mrc/photo (POST)

After several photo (30+) captures the device portal stops accepting most api requests.

The photo api returns the following error:

{"Code" : -2147024882, "CodeText" : "Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation.\r\n", "Reason" : "Failed to take photo", "Success" : false}

Even when having a pause of 60 seconds in between the photo captures, the memory still fills up.
Only rebooting the device fixes the issue.

HoloLens Development
HoloLens Development
HoloLens: A family of Microsoft self-contained, holographic devices that enable engagement with digital content and interaction with holograms in the surrounding environment.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. Hernando Ren 2,166 Reputation points

    Hello, Welcome to Microsoft Q&A,

    Thank you for reporting this device portal memory leak issue. This bug has been verified and reproduced at Microsoft. And we have filed it to seek resolution in a future update to the HoloLens 2 operating system. Currently, rebooting the device is the only workaround.

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