anchor sharing without azure spatial anchor

shark-crawl 26 Reputation points


I coding with tutorials. but when i try to run it, it reports errors at green codes. so do i miss some namespace or I need to write the function by myself

HoloLens Development
HoloLens Development
HoloLens: A family of Microsoft self-contained, holographic devices that enable engagement with digital content and interaction with holograms in the surrounding environment.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. QuantumCache 20,106 Reputation points

    Hello @shark-crawl ,

    Below is the initial response from the Microsoft Product Team, I hope this helps with the initial query.

    Those methods do need to be implemented to send and receive data over the network between the device that created the anchor and the device that needs to load the anchor:

    Here’s some documentation from Unity:
    Custom Messages | Unity Multiplayer Networking (

    Here’s an example of how this would have been done when the documentation was originally written:
    MixedRealityCompanionKit/AnchorNetworkTransmitter.cs at fe8485267d200ddfb3bf6ba4cc8404e30dc799d1 · microsoft/MixedRealityCompanionKit (github)

    Please comment in the below section if you need further help in this matter, happy to help!

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