Does Small-Basic has memory leak?

Nomestack 61 Reputation points

I'm making a game using SayPlus and LitDev and while I was testing the game after a while when I pressed a keyboard key it had a little delay and then performed the action I wanted, and also I used SPSound.PlaySound() to play my sounds but they sometimes it does not play. I think Small-Basic has memory leak but I'm not sure. How can I fix this? Sometimes the game goes to the game over screen out of nowhere

Here's a video showing what's going on:

(Update: The video isn't showing anything useful, but the errors keep going on)

A programming language created by Microsoft that serves a stepping stone for beginners from block-based coding languages to more complex text-based languages.
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  1. Nonki Takahashi 676 Reputation points

    Hi @Nomestack ,
    I don't have any idea to debug your program...
    Small Basic is compiled to .Net binary. So I hope if a Small Basic program could be debugged with Visual Studio.

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