User with apostrophe in email address is not added in required Attendee using Office API.

Vineet Kumar 1 Reputation point

We have email/room containing apostrophe (first'lastName@Monique gmx .com).

Current behavior: Using office API (Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees.addAsync) : "emailAddress": "first'lastName@Monique gmx .com" is not added in requiredAttendees as this have aporstrophe.
Expected Behaviour : "emailAddress": "first'lastName@Monique gmx .com" must be added in requiredAttendees.


Platform [PC desktop, Mac, Office on the web]
Host [Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.]: OWA + Native Outlook
Operating System:Window 10
Browser : Chrome (We support all browsers ie Microsoft Edge| Mozilla | Safari)

Passed Scenario:

  1. Open calendar --> click on any time slot to book a meeting, paste email address (first'lastName@Monique gmx .com) to invitee attendee, its work.

Failed Scenario:
2. Now add attendee using office api ie
Code Snippet
var emailArray = [ { "displayName": "Allie Bellew", "emailAddress": "first'lastName@Monique gmx .com" }, { "displayName": "Alex Darrow", "emailAddress": "firstNamelastName@Monique gmx .com" } ];
function setRequiredAttendees() {
Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees.addAsync(emailArray, function(asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.error){
if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
} else {
3. In above case "emailAddress": "first'lastName@Monique gmx .com" is not added in requiredAttendees as this have aporstrophe.
4. In above case only "emailAddress": "firstNamelastName@Monique gmx .com" is added in requiredAttendees.

Please suggest how email address ("emailAddress": "first'lastName@Monique gmx .com") with apostrophe will be added in requiredAttendees as we mentioned in point #3.


We have outlook addin which fetch data from api and add emailAddress using office api (Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees.addAsync.

Userful logs:

JavaScript API
JavaScript API
An Office service that supports add-ins to interact with objects in Office client applications.
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