RDP Nesting

Chandana S Kallesh 21 Reputation points

Hello All,

Below is the query for RDP Nesting

What's the use of join phrase to remove the 7 days data and this even contains the " | where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10" which is for RDP. Can i have more clarity

let endtime = 1d;
let starttime = 8d;
// The threshold below excludes matching on RDP connection computer counts of 5 or more by a given account and IP in a given day. Change the threshold as needed.
let threshold = 5;
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime)
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
// Labeling the first RDP connection time, computer and ip
| extend FirstHop = TimeGenerated, FirstComputer = toupper(Computer), FirstIPAddress = IpAddress, Account = tolower(Account)
| join kind=inner (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime)
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
// Labeling the second RDP connection time, computer and ip
| extend SecondHop = TimeGenerated, SecondComputer = toupper(Computer), SecondIPAddress = IpAddress, Account = tolower(Account)
) on Account
// Make sure that the first connection is after the second connection --> SecondHop > FirstHop
// Then identify only RDP to another computer from within the first RDP connection by only choosing matches where the Computer names do not match --> FirstComputer != SecondComputer
// Then make sure the IPAddresses do not match by excluding connections from the same computers with first hop RDP connections to multiple computers --> FirstIPAddress != SecondIPAddress
| where FirstComputer != SecondComputer and FirstIPAddress != SecondIPAddress and SecondHop > FirstHop
// where the second hop occurs within 30 minutes of the first hop
| where SecondHop <= FirstHop+30m
| distinct Account, FirstHop, FirstComputer, FirstIPAddress, SecondHop, SecondComputer, SecondIPAddress, AccountType, Activity, LogonTypeName, ProcessName
// use left anti to exclude anything from the previous 7 days where the Account and IP has connected 5 or more computers.
| join kind=leftanti (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime) and TimeGenerated < ago(endtime)
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
| summarize makeset(Computer), ComputerCount = dcount(Computer) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Account = tolower(Account), IpAddress
// Connection count to computer by same account and IP to exclude counts of 5 or more on a given day
| where ComputerCount >= threshold
| mvexpand set_Computer
| extend Computer = toupper(set_Computer)
) on Account, $left.SecondComputer == $right.Computer, $left.SecondIPAddress == $right.IpAddress
| summarize FirstHopFirstSeen = min(FirstHop), FirstHopLastSeen = max(FirstHop) by Account, FirstComputer, FirstIPAddress, SecondHop, SecondComputer,
SecondIPAddress, AccountType, Activity, LogonTypeName, ProcessName
| extend timestamp = FirstHopFirstSeen, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = FirstComputer, IPCustomEntity = FirstIPAddress

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  1. VipulSparsh-MSFT 16,231 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Chandana S Kallesh Thanks for reaching out.

    The KQL queries provided on github are written with certain scenarios in mind and sometime can often include things that the writer has in mind.
    Those can be modified and then used in production environment based on your needs.

    In this RDP nesting KQL, the last 7 days was excluded considering an admin would have done extensive testing in last week and do not want to look into that data while investigating the RDP scenarios. You can remove the part where it is excluding the last 7 days data in your query.


    Please remember to "Accept Answer" if any answer/reply helped, so that others in the community facing similar issues can easily find the solution.

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