kinect: Precompiled library to create ply files

andi 1 Reputation point

Dear Microsoft,

I do struggle since a few days to create a function for kinect to snapshot a stream and export it as a ply file.

Reasons of struggle:

  • integration of k4a - dlls do often fail in example applications
  • compiling with cmake provides a lot of issues not connected to kinect itself, but to cmake and Windows
  • functionality is just missing in the provided example code delivered with the SDK

I would be happy, if somebody could provide me a sample application (precompiled or at least with the ability to be compiled without any issues) , which is able to stream the vision output of the cam with a button to save snapshots as ply files.

regards, andi

Azure Kinect DK
Azure Kinect DK
A Microsoft developer kit and peripheral device with advanced artificial intelligence sensors for sophisticated computer vision and speech models.
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