Need Help with SQL UPDATE where the Target and Source have a many to many relationship

brenda grossnickle 186 Reputation points

I have a really large transaction table with billions of rows. Need to match up Authorization request row - tran_type1 'A', to a declined notice row - tran_type1 = 'P' and tran_type2 = 'O'. Besides the tran_type1 and tran_type2 a match must also have the same acct_nbr, same tran_amt, and the A and P,O rows are within 60 seconds of each other, with the A coming first.

The code below "works" except that the same target (Authorization) row gets updated multiple times or a single source row (decline notice) updates multiple target rows. Assume that I need a PARTITION OVER() ROW_NUMBER or RANK to join on so that the the Many to Many Update becomes a One to One. Can someone help me with any ideas or code examples? Thanks

In the result set below the *** below are problems. A single Authorization request should match a single decline notice

--ID-03 - matches ID-04
--ID-06 - matches ID-07
--ID-09 - matches ID-11
--ID-10 - matches ID-11 * ID-10 should match ID-12
--ID-13 - matches ID-15
--ID-14 - matches ID-15 *
ID-14 should not be declined. ID-15 has already matched ID13.


Need to match an Authorization request row - tran_type1 "A' to a declined notice row,
tran_type1 = 'P' and tran_type2 = 'O'. Besides the tran_type1 and tran_type2 a match 
must also have the same acct_nbr, same tran_amt, and the A and P,O row are within 60
 seconds of each other, with the A coming first.

The *** below are problems. A single Authorization request should match a single decline notice

--ID-03 - matches ID-04
--ID-06 - matches ID-07 
--ID-09 - matches ID-11
--ID-10 - matches ID-11 *** ID-10 should match ID-12
--ID-13 - matches ID-15 
--ID-14 - matches ID-15 *** ID-14 should not be declined. ID-15 has already matched ID13. 


IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#trans') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #trans;
    create table #trans (acct_nbr varchar(128), tran_dt datetime, tran_amt decimal(38,2), tran_type1 varchar(128), tran_type2 varchar(128), tran_id varchar(128), tran_id_decline varchar(128))

insert into #trans (acct_nbr, tran_dt, tran_amt, tran_type1, tran_type2, tran_id
('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'C', 'X', 'ID-01'),
('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-02'),
('111', '2022-05-09 11:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-03'),
('111', '2022-05-09 11:11:11.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-04'),
('111', '2022-05-09 13:11:33.123', '1.00', 'A', 'X', 'ID-05'),
('111', '2022-05-09 14:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-06'),
('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:17.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-07'),
('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:48.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-08') ,
('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-09'),
('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-10'),
('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-11'),
('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-12'),
('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-13'),
('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-14'),
('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-15');

IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tran_decline_notice') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #tran_decline_notice;
select * into #tran_decline_notice from (select * from #trans where tran_type1 = 'P' and tran_type2 = 'O') a

update  t set tran_id_decline = d.tran_id
--select t.*, d.trn_id as tran_id_decline
    from  #trans t
    left join #tran_decline_notice d
    on t.acct_nbr = d.acct_nbr and t.tran_amt = d.tran_amt
    where DATEDIFF(ss,t.tran_dt,d.tran_dt) between 0 and 60 and t.tran_type1 = 'A' and d.tran_type1 = 'P' and d.tran_type2 = 'O'

select * from #trans
A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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5 answers

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  1. Naomi 7,361 Reputation points


    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#trans') IS NOT NULL)
        DROP TABLE #trans;
    CREATE TABLE #trans
            acct_nbr VARCHAR(128)
            , tran_dt DATETIME
            , tran_amt DECIMAL(38, 2)
            , tran_type1 VARCHAR(128)
            , tran_type2 VARCHAR(128)
            , tran_id VARCHAR(128)
            , tran_id_decline VARCHAR(128)
        #trans (acct_nbr, tran_dt, tran_amt, tran_type1, tran_type2, tran_id)
        ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'C', 'X', 'ID-01')
        , ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-02')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 11:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-03')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 11:11:11.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-04')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 13:11:33.123', '1.00', 'A', 'X', 'ID-05')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-06')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:17.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-07')
        , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:48.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-08')
        , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-09')
        , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-10')
        , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-11')
        , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-12')
        , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-13')
        , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-14')
        , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-15');
    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tran_decline_notice') IS NOT NULL)
        DROP TABLE #tran_decline_notice;
    FROM (SELECT * FROM #trans WHERE tran_type1 = 'P' AND tran_type2 = 'O') a;
    SELECT * FROM #tran_decline_notice ORDER BY #tran_decline_notice.tran_id;
    ;WITH cte AS
            , d.tran_dt AS decline_dt
            , d.tran_id AS tran_id_decline_ID
                                     , t.tran_amt
                                     , t.tran_type1
                                     , t.tran_id
                                 ORDER BY
                                ) AS Rn
            #trans t
            LEFT JOIN #tran_decline_notice d
                ON t.acct_nbr = d.acct_nbr
                   AND t.tran_amt = d.tran_amt
                   AND t.tran_dt BETWEEN DATEADD(SECOND, -60, d.tran_dt) AND d.tran_dt
                   AND t.tran_type1 = 'A'
          , cte2 AS
                                     , cte.tran_amt
                                     , cte.tran_type1
                                     , cte.tran_id_decline_ID
                                 ORDER BY
                                     , Rn
                                ) AS Rn2
    MERGE #trans t
    USING cte2 AS src
    ON t.tran_id = src.tran_id
       AND src.Rn2 = 1
    WHEN MATCHED AND t.tran_type1 = 'A' THEN
        UPDATE SET
            t.tran_id_decline = src.tran_id_decline_ID;
    SELECT * FROM #trans;
    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points
      ;with mycte as (
      select t.acct_nbr ,   t.tran_amt, d.tran_id as tran_id_decline
      , ROW_NUMBER()OVER (PARTITION by t.acct_nbr,  t.tran_amt  Order BY t.tran_type1  )  rn
         from  #trans t
         left join #tran_decline_notice d
         on t.acct_nbr = d.acct_nbr and t.tran_amt = d.tran_amt
         where DATEDIFF(ss,t.tran_dt,d.tran_dt) between 0 and 60 and t.tran_type1 = 'A' and d.tran_type1 = 'P' and d.tran_type2 = 'O')
         Merge #trans t
         using mycte m on m.acct_nbr=t.acct_nbr and m.tran_amt=t.tran_amt and rn=1
         WHen matched then
         Set   tran_id_decline = m.tran_id_decline;
         select * from #trans

  3. Ryan Abbey 1,176 Reputation points

    Taking a different approach... for each "P/O", identify the in-scope "A" records and how many "P/O" records there are between the "A" and the current "P/O"

    a.tran_id,  case when
     row_number() over (partition by po.tran_id order by a.tran_id)  = (select count(*) from #trans ppo where po.acct_nbr = ppo.acct_nbr and po.tran_amt = ppo.tran_amt and datediff(ss, ppo.tran_dt, po.tran_dt) between 0 and 60
      and ppo.tran_type1 = 'P' and ppo.tran_type2 = 'O' and ppo.tran_id <= po.tran_id and ppo.tran_id > a.tran_id) then po.tran_id end as DeclinedBy
    from #trans po
     inner join #trans a on po.acct_nbr = a.acct_nbr and po.tran_amt = a.tran_amt and datediff(ss, a.tran_dt, po.tran_dt) between 0 and 60 and a.tran_type1 = 'A'
    where po.tran_type1 = 'P' and po.tran_type2 = 'O'

    Note, you will need to drop the null "DeclinedBy" records - your "ID-09" and "ID-10" will appear twice, one with a declined identifier and one without but it's the "with" that are relevant

    How often are you planning on running? Hitting a billion rows would have me slightly worried with multiple scans so hopefully a one-off update with good indexing!

  4. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points
     IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#trans') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #trans;
         create table #trans (acct_nbr varchar(128), tran_dt datetime, tran_amt decimal(38,2), tran_type1 varchar(128), tran_type2 varchar(128), tran_id varchar(128), tran_id_decline varchar(128))
     insert into #trans (acct_nbr, tran_dt, tran_amt, tran_type1, tran_type2, tran_id
     ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'C', 'X', 'ID-01'),
     ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-02'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 11:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-03'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 11:11:11.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-04'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 13:11:33.123', '1.00', 'A', 'X', 'ID-05'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 14:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-06'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:17.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-07'),
     ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:48.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-08') ,
     ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-09'),
     ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-10'),
     ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-11'),
     ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-12'),
     ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-13'),
     ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-14'),
     ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-15');
     IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tran_decline_notice') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #tran_decline_notice;
     select * into #tran_decline_notice from (select * from #trans where tran_type1 = 'P' and tran_type2 = 'O') a
     ;with mycte as (
    select t.acct_nbr   ,t.tran_type1,  t.tran_amt, t.tran_id , d.tran_id as tran_id_decline
     , ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( PARTITION by t.acct_nbr,  t.tran_amt,t.tran_type1,t.tran_id Order BY t.tran_id  ) rn1 
         from  #trans t
         left join #tran_decline_notice d
         on t.acct_nbr = d.acct_nbr and t.tran_amt = d.tran_amt
         where DATEDIFF(ss,t.tran_dt,d.tran_dt) between 0 and 60 
         and t.tran_type1 = 'A' 
         and d.tran_type1 = 'P' 
         and d.tran_type2 = 'O'
         ,mycte1 as (
         select  acct_nbr   , tran_type1, tran_amt,  tran_id ,  tran_id_decline, rn1,
      ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( PARTITION by  acct_nbr, tran_amt, tran_type1,tran_id_decline Order BY  cast(right(tran_id_decline,2) as int), rn1  ) rn2 
     from mycte
     ,mycte2 as (
     select  acct_nbr   , tran_type1, tran_amt,  tran_id ,  tran_id_decline  
     from mycte1
     where rn2=1
         Merge #trans t
          using mycte2 m on m.tran_id=t.tran_id  
          WHen matched then
          Set   tran_id_decline = m.tran_id_decline;
     select * from  #trans
     acct_nbr   tran_dt tran_amt    tran_type1  tran_type2  tran_id tran_id_decline
    111 2022-05-08 11:08:47.257 1.00    C   X   ID-01   NULL
    111 2022-05-08 11:08:47.257 1.00    A       ID-02   NULL
    111 2022-05-09 11:10:47.257 1.00    A       ID-03   ID-04
    111 2022-05-09 11:11:11.257 1.00    P   O   ID-04   NULL
    111 2022-05-09 13:11:33.123 1.00    A   X   ID-05   NULL
    111 2022-05-09 14:10:47.257 1.00    A       ID-06   ID-07
    111 2022-05-09 14:11:17.257 1.00    P   O   ID-07   NULL
    111 2022-05-09 14:11:48.257 1.00    P   O   ID-08   NULL
    222 2022-05-10 11:09:47.257 1.00    A       ID-09   ID-11
    222 2022-05-10 11:09:47.257 1.00    A       ID-10   ID-12
    222 2022-05-10 11:09:57.257 1.00    P   O   ID-11   NULL
    222 2022-05-10 11:09:57.257 1.00    P   O   ID-12   NULL
    333 2022-05-10 11:09:47.257 1.00    A       ID-13   ID-15
    333 2022-05-10 11:09:47.257 1.00    A       ID-14   NULL
    333 2022-05-10 11:09:57.257 1.00    P   O   ID-15   NULL
    0 comments No comments

  5. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points

    --I have seen the issue you pointed out.
    --With your original dataset, we create a rowNumber to track a sequence as tie-breaker.

    --Here is the modified version. Not tested for billion rows!
    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#trans') IS NOT NULL)
    DROP TABLE #trans;
    CREATE TABLE #trans
    acct_nbr VARCHAR(128)
    , tran_dt DATETIME
    , tran_amt DECIMAL(38, 2)
    , tran_type1 VARCHAR(128)
    , tran_type2 VARCHAR(128)
    , tran_id VARCHAR(128)
    , tran_id_decline VARCHAR(128)

         #trans (acct_nbr, tran_dt, tran_amt, tran_type1, tran_type2, tran_id)
         ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'C', 'X', 'ID-01')
         , ('111', '2022-05-08 11:08:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-02')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 11:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-03')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 11:11:11.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-04')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 13:11:33.123', '1.00', 'A', 'X', 'ID-05')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:10:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-06')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:17.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-07')
         , ('111', '2022-05-09 14:11:48.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-08')
         , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-09') 
         , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-10')
         , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-11')
         , ('222', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-12')
         , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-13')
         , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:47.257', '1.00', 'A', '', 'ID-14')
         , ('333', '2022-05-10 11:09:57.257', '1.00', 'P', 'O', 'ID-15');
     IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tran_decline_notice') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #tran_decline_notice;
      select *, IDENTITY( int ) seq into #tran_decline_notice from (select  * from #trans where tran_type1 = 'P' and tran_type2 = 'O') a
      ;with mycte as (
     select  t.acct_nbr    ,t.tran_type1,    t.tran_amt, t.tran_id , d.tran_id as tran_id_decline  
      , ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( PARTITION by t.acct_nbr,    t.tran_amt,t.tran_type1,t.tran_id Order BY t.tran_id  ) rn0 
     , ROW_NUMBER()OVER (Order BY t.tran_id,d.tran_id ) seq  ----added
          from  #trans t
          left join #tran_decline_notice d
          on t.acct_nbr = d.acct_nbr and t.tran_amt = d.tran_amt
          where DATEDIFF(ss,t.tran_dt,d.tran_dt) between 0 and 60 
          and t.tran_type1 = 'A' 
          and d.tran_type1 = 'P' 
          and d.tran_type2 = 'O'
          ,mycte1 as (
          select  acct_nbr    , tran_type1, tran_amt,  tran_id ,  tran_id_decline, rn0 ,seq 
          , ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( PARTITION by acct_nbr,tran_amt,tran_type1,tran_id Order BY tran_id_decline  ) rn1 
       ,ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( PARTITION by  acct_nbr, tran_amt, tran_type1,tran_id_decline 
       Order BY  tran_id_decline, rn0, seq  ) rn2 
      from mycte
      ,mycte2 as (
      select  acct_nbr, tran_type1, tran_amt,  tran_id ,  tran_id_decline  
      from mycte1
      where rn1-rn2=0
          Merge #trans t
           using mycte2 m on m.tran_id=t.tran_id  
           WHen matched then
           Set   tran_id_decline = m.tran_id_decline;
     select * from  #trans
    0 comments No comments