toolbox object to ouput text that can be copied

Erri 21 Reputation points

Hey I was wondering what object I should use in the toolbox on a visual basics form that could be copied from with mouse and cursor after text is added to the .Text field. I tried label but I can't copy the text I send to the label also maybe something that would dock the text inside of it so it doesn't wrap out of the window. Example something like textbox, maybe I should just use textbox but I don't want the text to be modified by the user either just output text on the form that can be copied maybe even scrolled up and down if the text is to much for the screen. I am very new to visual basics and just having fun, thanks. How would you guys recommend I do that with c#. I am also new to c#.

I just found out I can toggle off can edit and stuff on textbox. Anyways thanks if you still want to suggest something or post some code here for c# cool and thanks.

A programming language created by Microsoft that serves a stepping stone for beginners from block-based coding languages to more complex text-based languages.
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  1. WhTurner 1,611 Reputation points

    The tag "small-basic" is for Technical questions about Microsoft Small Basic, the only text-based language and IDE built for students to learn to code

    Please look for a more fitting tag as your question in not about Small Basic
    e.g. "c++" or "dotnet-csharp"

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