How can I "fix" a mis-imported COM interface (c#/WPF)?

Chris Shearer Cooper 1 Reputation point

I want to add a custom pattern for UIAutomation, but I can't get the IUIAutomationRegistrar.RegisterPattern() method to work. I suspect part of the problem is that the method gets imported into c# like this:

void RegisterPattern([In] ref UIAutomationPatternInfo pattern,  
   out int pPatternId, out int pPatternAvailablePropertyId,  
   [In] uint propertyIdCount, out int pPropertyIds,  
   [In] uint eventIdCount, out int pEventIds);  

but the interface in C/C++ looks like this:

HRESULT RegisterPattern(  
  [in]  const UIAutomationPatternInfo *pattern,  
  [out] PATTERNID                     *pPatternId,  
  [out] PROPERTYID                    *pPatternAvailablePropertyId,  
  [in]  UINT                          propertyIdCount,  
  [out] PROPERTYID                    *pPropertyIds,  
  [in]  UINT                          eventIdCount,  
  [out] EVENTID                       *pEventIds  

So the importer mistakenly assumed that "[out] PROPERTYID *pPropertyIds" was a reference to a single PROPERTYID (int) instead of a pointer to an array.

Is there a way to tell the importer how to do this right?

By the way, I started my question on StackOverflow, for more details than you really wanted:

Windows API - Win32
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