Working with categorized tests


Visual Studio App Center is scheduled for retirement on March 31, 2025. While you can continue to use Visual Studio App Center until it is fully retired, there are several recommended alternatives that you may consider migrating to.

Learn more about support timelines and alternatives.

Xamarin.UITests can be grouped into categories by adding the CategoryAttribute from the NUnit framework. These categories provide some flexibility on what tests are run.

For example, an application may have one set of tests that are specifically for tablets, and another set for phones. With categories, it's possible to run the tablet-specific tests separately from the phone tests.

Another popular scenario is to segregate slow tests from fast tests. The fast tests are run more frequently, perhaps at each commit to source code control. The slow tests are run less frequently, for example once a day.

Xamarin.UITests can be categorized by both test fixture or test categories by test by adding the CategoryAttribute to the class or method. It's possible to assign more than one category. The following class shows an example of categorization:

public class Tests
    iOSApp app;

    public void BeforeEachTest()
        app = ConfigureApp.iOS.StartApp();

    public void CreditCardNumber_TooShort_DisplayErrorMessage()
        app.WaitForElement(c=>c.Class("UINavigationBar").Marked("Simple Credit Card Validator"));
        app.EnterText(c=>c.Class("UITextField"), new string('9', 15));
        app.Tap(c=>c.Marked("Validate Credit Card").Class("UIButton"));
        app.WaitForElement(c => c.Marked("Credit card number is too short.").Class("UILabel"));

    public void CreditCardNumber_TooLong_DisplayErrorMessage()
        app.WaitForElement(c=>c.Class("UINavigationBar").Marked("Simple Credit Card Validator"));
        app.EnterText(c=>c.Class("UITextField"), new string('9', 17));
        app.Tap(c=>c.Marked("Validate Credit Card").Class("UIButton"));
        app.WaitForElement(c => c.Marked("Credit card number is too long.").Class("UILabel"));


There are two ways to run Xamarin.UITests according to category:

  • appcenter - The Command Line Interface for App Center.
  • nunit-console.exe - The command-line runner for NUnit tests. It's also used to run Xamarin.UITests locally.


App Center doesn't honor the ExplicitAttribute; tests marked as Explicit will still be run.

Running Tests Locally by Category

Running tests locally is accomplished using nunit-console.exe, NUnit's command-line runner. The command-line switch --where matches the categories using a test selection language.

nunit-console .\CreditCardValidator.iOS.UITests\bin\Debug\CreditCardValidator.iOS.UITests.dll --where="cat == flerp"

Submitting Tests to App Center Test by Category


️ NUnit category names that contain spaces can't be specified for upload.

You can instruct App Center Test to run a subset of your tests using the --include-category parameter.

appcenter test run uitest --app "<APP NAME>" --devices <DEVICE SET ID> --app-path <PATH TO IPA> --test-series "<TEST SERIES>" --locale "en_US" --build-dir <PATH TO UITEST BUILD DIRECTORY> 
--include-category flerp 

It's also possible to exclude certain tests by category using the --exclude-category parameter.

appcenter test run uitest --app "<APP NAME>" --devices <DEVICE SET ID> --app-path <PATH TO IPA> --test-series "<TEST SERIES>" --locale "en_US" --build-dir <PATH TO UITEST BUILD DIRECTORY> 
--exclude-category erp

For more information, see the NUnit console guide on how to use category expressions to include or exclude tests according to category combinations.

When using --fixture-chunk, the whole test suite will be executed and both --include-cateogry and --exclude-category switches are ignored.


️ When running tests locally, IApp must be configured with the path to the application and the application bundle.