MBA Global Management Seminar I

Let me start by the last work I did this week: the paper. Great opportunity to learn; I selected the EU and Mercosur as the trading blocs, and the amount of research I did was incredible. Fortunately the UOP library has a great deal of material that allows good understanding of forex instruments, and country economic data. I was impressed by the size of EU and also by the fact that Mercosur is considered the third free-trade agreement, behind only NAFTA and EU. These three blocs, though, have huge opportunities to continue improving and opening their barriers to member and non-member countries.

International trade is a very exciting subject, especially nowadays with a global economy totally interconnected. The discussions in class reflected this too; things such as the effect of exchange rates and management of exchange rate risks allowed me to learn new concepts and to make some others stronger. I also enjoyed the topics of monetary and fiscal policies, as well as the discission on what makes international economics so fascinating. It'll be interesting to see how the world's situation change in the next months now that we have more insight on global economy and the role of trading blocs. Finally, the discussions on the Big 3 and world operations were also highlights.

I can't believe we finished week 3 already - getting closer and closer to finishing this class and the whole program. Great!