Dynamics CRM 2013 Server Side Sync Email Approval

Due to Server Side Sync being enabled for CRM Online, there is one major difference between Online and On Premise.

With CRM Online, it is required to have an O365 Global Admin (Tenant Administrator) approve the email address in CRM.  If the email address is approved by a CRM System Administrator that is NOT an O365 Tenant Administrator, Server Side Sync will not work for that Mailbox.  This was introduced for security reasons.

The error message that would be received in this scenario is below:

Email won't be processed for this mailbox until the email address of the mailbox is approved by an Office 365 Administrator

Additionally, an Alert is logged for this issue, so details can also be found at Sales > Alerts, as well as in the TraceLogBase table of the database. 

The alert will indicate an issue with IncomingEmailS2SApprovalNeeded and/or OutgoingEmailS2SApprovalNeeded.  This can also be checked by reviewing the IsEmailAddressApprovedByO365Admin column on the MailboxBase table.


Best Regards

EMEA Dynamics CRM Support Team

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