RSS Feeds for eBay Searches

800px-EBay_Logo_svgRSS feeds are popping up right and left these days for everything from news, to friends’ pictures, to Internet searches.  Recently I discovered that eBay has RSS feeds for auction searches.  It is really handy to keep an eye out for those unique finds that can easily slip by, or as a way to group searches into one place, or as a handy way to only see new new items posted for a given search.

Here’s the RSS URL for a search:\&siteId=0\&language=en-US\&output=RSS20\&satitle= <search term here>

For example:

I’ve been refining my searches on the eBay web site, then using my favorite RSS reader to keep an eye out for stellar deals (example of a highly refined search).  There is a little RSS icon at the bottom eBay RSS iconof a search results page you can use to grab the RSS URL.  If you don’t see the icon, it may be that your search is being run by the beta program (more info).

Feed Reader of Choice
P.S.  For my RSS reader, I love the super easy workflow of Google Reader and am collating my feeds there.  The single big list concept is awesome, it has great keyboard access (just hit 'n' to see the next item), is easy to use on my mobile phone, pulls feeds automatically for me without my PC turned on, has some really nice browser integration features, searching the feeds is fast, and it uses URL based APIs which makes integrating super easy (eg: add the feed above).