Windows Sensors Platform: Sensors Categories Windows 7 handle for writing Context-Aware Applications

Hi there, that’s Daniel, writing right from Microsoft PDC.

As you know those who are on Microsoft PDC now got a nice looking like “Sensors Development Kit” and a session on “Windows 7 Sensors & Location Platform: Creating Context-Aware Applications” that Dan Polivy talked about right today, on 10:30 am @ PDC.

We defined primary set of sensors that we would like developers to focus on there, including

· Lightaware UI

· Location

· Orientation

But we for sure define a bigger set of sensors here. To look for more definitions of sensors, you’ll need:

· Install Pre-Beta Windows 7 SDK from your “The Goods” hard disk drive you’ve got as attendee,

· Go to %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\v7.0\Include

· Find sensors.h file

So as Dan Polivy told, we define several categories of Sensors, and here is a list of sensors from sensors.h file:

· All

· Location

· Environmental

· Motion

· Orientation

· Mechanical

· Electrical

· Biometrical

· Light

· Scanner

To note, this list just defines the most common known kinds of sensors, and you certainly can define your own sensors categories, too.

Thanks to Jim Travis @ PC|3 Team for pointing on this.