How to manage Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub

The Event Hubs management experience allows you to control the service and visualize its status and alerts.


Use the following steps to access the Event Hubs management page:

  1. Sign in to the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal.

  2. Select All Services from the pane on the left.

  3. Search for "Event Hubs" and select the service. If you can't find the Event Hubs service, the resource provider must first be installed.

  4. The Event Hubs management overview page display. You'll find four sections in the left pane:

    • Overview: provides a general view and access to specific management areas.
    • Alerts: displays all critical and warning alerts for Event Hubs. See the Alerts section section for details.
    • Quotas: allows you to create, update, and delete quotas. See the Quotas section section for details.
    • Event Hubs clusters: displays a list of all clusters configured. See the Event Hubs clusters section for details.

    Manage event hubs


Selecting Quotas on the main page displays the list of quotas in use, including the associated plans that specify the quotas.

Manage event hubs - quotas

For more information on quota types defined for Event Hubs, see Quota Types


The Event Hubs resource provider supports the following alerts:

Category Alert Type Condition
EventHub-CpuUsage Warning The average of % CPU usage of Event Hubs cluster in the last 6 hours is larger than 50%.
EventHub-MemoryUsage Warning The average of % free memory space of Event Hubs cluster in the last 6 hours is smaller than 50%.
EventHub-DiskUsage Warning The average of % Data Disk(E:) usage of Event Hubs cluster in the last 6 hours is larger than 50%.
EventHub-QuotaExceeded Warning A quota exceeded error occurred within the last six hours.
EventHub-NamespaceCreditUsage Warning The sum of namespace credit usages in the last six hours is larger than 10000.0.
Service degraded
EventHub-InternalServerError Warning An internal server error occurred within the last six hours.
EventHub-ServerBusy Warning A server busy error occurred in the last six hours.
EventHub-ClientError Warning A client error occurred in the last six hours.
EventHub-PendingDeletingResources Warning The sum of pending deleting resources in the last six hours is larger than 100.
EventHub-ProvisioningQueueLength Warning The average of provisioning queue length in the last six hours is larger than 30.

Selecting Alerts on the main page displays the list of alerts issued:

Manage event hubs - alerts summary

Selecting an alert from the list, displays the Alert details panel on the right:

Manage event hubs - alerts detail

For more information on Azure Stack Hub monitoring capability, including alerting, see Monitor Health and Alerts. For details on collecting logs, see Overview of Azure Stack diagnostic log collection.

Event Hubs clusters

Selecting Event Hubs clusters on the main page displays a list of available user clusters. The list includes the following for each cluster:

  • High-level configuration information.
  • Service health.
  • Backup status.

Manage event hubs - user resources

Selecting a link under Health or Backup will display detailed information on the state of Event Hubs health and backup status, respectively. The link under Name displays more details for the cluster, including:

  • Status and configuration information.
  • A list of service limits for the cluster.

Manage event hubs - user clusters

Service limits are configuration parameters that define the operational boundaries of Event Hubs. The service limits available are similar to the ones offered for Azure Event Hubs Dedicated. By selecting the link(s) under Config value, you can change the assigned value.


You should spend time analyzing the full implications before changing service limits. Service limit changes may impact the behavior of your solution that consumes and produces events. Changes may also impact the resource consumption from your Azure Stack capacity.

Next steps

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