Update switch credentials

This article shows how to change the administrator (admin) and SNMP credentials on all switches in a ruggedized Azure Stack Hub.


Before you run the procedures:

  • Use Remote Desktop to connect to the Hardware Lifecycle Host (HLH).
  • Locate PuTTY on the HLH, usually E:/\Tools/\Putty/\putty.exe. If PuTTY isn't available, download and install it on the HLH.
  • You need both the current and new credentials for the switches.

Update credentials for the Admin user and Enable accounts

For each switch in the scale unit (BMC, TOR1, and TOR2):

  1. On the HLH, use PuTTY to sign on to the switch using the current credentials.

  2. Run the following command, replacing <new password> with the new password and then Enable credentials.

    configuration terminal
    username admin pass
    word <new_password> privilege 15
    enable password <new_password>
  3. Leave the current session to the switch open.

  4. On the HLH, use PuTTY to sign on to the switch using the new credentials.

  5. Run the following command. Enable shouldn't prompt for a password.

    dir flash:
  6. Verify that the startup-config shows the current date.

  7. Once confirmed, close both this session and the original session.

Update credentials for SNMP accounts

For each switch in the scale unit (BMC, TOR1, and TOR2):

  1. On the HLH, use PuTTY to sign on to the switch.

  2. Run the following command to get the current SNMP read/write users and groups:

    show run snmp | grep user

    The following example shows the results including user, group name, and password hashes:

    snmp-server user <user> <group> 3 encrypted auth sha <password_hash>
  3. Run the following command, replacing <user> and <group> with the results from the previous step. Replace <password> with the new password:

    configuration terminal
    snmp-server user <user> <group> 3 auth sha <password_new>

Next steps

Rotate secrets in Azure Stack Hub