Migrate from AGIC Helm to AGIC add-on

If you already have AGIC deployed through Helm but want to migrate to AGIC deployed as an AKS add-on, the following steps help to guide you through the migration process.


Before you start the migration process, there are a few things to check.

  • Are you using any features with AGIC Helm that are currently not supported with AGIC add-on?
  • Are you using more than one AGIC Helm deployment per AKS cluster?
  • Are you using multiple AGIC Helm deployments to target one Application Gateway?

If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, AGIC add-on won't support your use case yet, so it's best to continue using AGIC Helm. Otherwise, use the following migration process during off-business hours.

Find the Application Gateway resource ID that AGIC Helm is currently targeting

Navigate to the Application Gateway that your AGIC Helm deployment is targeting. Copy and save the resource ID of that Application Gateway. You need the resource ID in a later step. The resource ID can be found in Portal, under the Properties tab of your Application Gateway or through Azure CLI. The following example saves the Application Gateway resource ID to appgwId for a gateway named myApplicationGateway in the resource group myResourceGroup.

appgwId=$(az network application-gateway show -n myApplicationGateway -g myResourceGroup -o tsv --query "id") 

Delete AGIC Helm from your AKS cluster

Using Azure CLI, delete your AGIC Helm deployment from your cluster. You need to delete the AGIC Helm deployment first before you can enable the AGIC AKS add-on. Any changes that occur within your AKS cluster between the time of deleting your AGIC Helm deployment and the time you enable the AGIC add-on aren't reflected on your Application Gateway. Therefore, migration should be completed outside of business hours to minimize impact. Application Gateway continues to have the last configuration applied by AGIC so that existing routing rules aren't affected.

Enable AGIC add-on using your existing Application Gateway

You can now enable the AGIC add-on in your AKS cluster to target your existing Application Gateway through Azure CLI or Portal. Run the following Azure CLI command to enable the AGIC add-on in your AKS cluster. The example enables the add-on in a cluster called myCluster, in a resource group called myResourceGroup, using the Application Gateway resource ID appgwId we saved in the earlier step.

az aks enable-addons -n myCluster -g myResourceGroup -a ingress-appgw --appgw-id $appgwId

Next Steps