Azure Arc-enabled data services data collection and reporting

This article describes the data that Azure Arc-enabled data services transmit to Microsoft.

Neither Azure Arc-enabled data services nor any of the applicable data services store any customer data. This applies to:

  • SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc
  • Azure Arc-enabled PostgreSQL

Azure Arc-enabled data services

Azure Arc-enabled data services may use some or all of the following products:

Directly connected

When a cluster is configured to be directly connected to Azure, some data is automatically transmitted to Microsoft.

The following table describes the type of data, how it is sent, and requirement.

Data category What data is sent? How is it sent? Is it required?
Operational Data Metrics and logs Automatically, when configured to do so No
Billing & inventory data Inventory such as number of instances, and usage such as number of vCores consumed Automatically Yes
Diagnostics Diagnostic information for troubleshooting purposes Manually exported and provided to Microsoft Support Only for the scope of troubleshooting and follows the standard privacy policies

Indirectly connected

When a cluster not configured to be directly connected to Azure, it does not automatically transmit operational, or billing and inventory data to Microsoft. To transmit data to Microsoft, you need to configure the export.

The following table describes the type of data, how it is sent, and requirement.

Data category What data is sent? How is it sent? Is it required?
Operational Data Metrics and logs Manually No
Billing & inventory data Inventory such as number of instances, and usage such as number of vCores consumed Manually Yes
Diagnostics Diagnostic information for troubleshooting purposes Manually exported and provided to Microsoft Support Only for the scope of troubleshooting and follows the standard privacy policies

Operational data

Operational data is collected for all database instances and for the Azure Arc-enabled data services platform itself. There are two types of operational data:

  • Metrics – Performance and capacity related metrics, which are collected to an Influx DB provided as part of Azure Arc-enabled data services. You can view these metrics in the provided Grafana dashboard.

  • Logs – Records emitted by all components including failure, warning, and informational events are collected to an OpenSearch database provided as part of Azure Arc-enabled data services. You can view the logs in the provided Kibana dashboard. Prior to the May, 2023 release, the log database used Elasticsearch. Thereafter, it uses OpenSearch.

The operational data stored locally requires built-in administrative privileges to view it in Grafana/Kibana.

The operational data does not leave your environment unless you chooses to export/upload (indirect connected mode) or automatically send (directly connected mode) the data to Azure Monitor/Log Analytics. The data goes into a Log Analytics workspace, which you control.

If the data is sent to Azure Monitor or Log Analytics, you can choose which Azure region or datacenter the Log Analytics workspace resides in. After that, access to view or copy it from other locations can be controlled by you.

Inventory data

The collected inventory data is represented by several Azure resource types. The following sections show the properties, types, and descriptions that are collected for each resource type:

Every database instance and the data controller itself will be reflected in Azure as an Azure resource in Azure Resource Manager.

There are three resource types:

  • SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc
  • Azure Arc-enabled PostgreSQL server
  • Data controller

The following sections show the properties, types, and descriptions that are collected and stored about each type of resource:

SQL Server - Azure Arc

Description Property name Property type
Computer name name string
SQL Server instance name instanceName string
SQL Server Version version string
SQL Server Edition edition string
Containing server resource ID containerResourceId string
Virtual cores vCore string
Connectivity status status string
SQL Server patch level patchLevel string
Collation collation string
Current version currentVersion string
TCP dynamic ports tcpDynamicPorts string
TCP static ports tcpStaticPorts string
Product ID productId string
License type licenseType string
Microsoft Defender status azureDefenderStatus string
Microsoft Defender status last updated azureDefenderStatusLastUpdated string
Provisioning state provisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the SQL Server - Azure Arc resource.

    "name": "SQL22-EE_PAYGTEST",
    "version": "SQL Server 2022",
    "edition": "Enterprise",
    "containerResourceId": "/subscriptions/a5082b19-8a6e-4bc5-8fdd-8ef39dfebc39/resourcegroups/sashan-arc-eastasia/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/SQL22-EE",
    "vCore": "8",
    "status": "Connected",
    "patchLevel": "16.0.1000.6",
    "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
    "currentVersion": "16.0.1000.6",
    "instanceName": "PAYGTEST",
    "tcpDynamicPorts": "61394",
    "tcpStaticPorts": "",
    "productId": "00488-00010-05000-AB944",
    "licenseType": "PAYG",
    "azureDefenderStatusLastUpdated": "2023-02-08T07:57:37.5597421Z",
    "azureDefenderStatus": "Protected",
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"

SQL Server database - Azure Arc

Description Property name Property type
Database name name string
Collation collationName string
Database creation date databaseCreationDate System.DateTime 
Compatibility level compatibilityLevel string
Database state state string
Readonly mode isReadOnly boolean
Recovery mode recoveryMode boolean
Auto close enabled isAutoCloseOn boolean
Auto shrink enabled isAutoShrinkOn boolean
Auto create stats enabled isAutoCreateStatsOn boolean
Auto update stats enabled isAutoUpdateStatsOn boolean
Remote data archive enabled isRemoteDataArchiveEnabled boolean
! Memory optimization enabled isMemoryOptimizationEnabled boolean
Encryption enabled isEncrypted boolean
Trustworthy mode enabled isTrustworthyOn boolean
Backup information backupInformation
Provisioning state provisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the SQL Server database - Azure Arc resource.

    "name": "newDb80",
    "collationName": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
    "databaseCreationDate": "2023-01-09T03:40:45Z",
    "compatibilityLevel": 150,
    "state": "Online",
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "recoveryMode": "Full",
    "databaseOptions": {
        "isAutoCloseOn": false,
        "isAutoShrinkOn": false,
        "isAutoCreateStatsOn": true,
        "isAutoUpdateStatsOn": true,
        "isRemoteDataArchiveEnabled": false,
        "isMemoryOptimizationEnabled": true,
        "isEncrypted": false,
        "isTrustworthyOn": false
    "backupInformation": {},
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"

Azure Arc data controller

Description Property name Property type
Location information OnPremiseProperty public: OnPremiseProperty 
The raw Kubernetes information (kubectl get datacontroller) K8sRaw object
Last uploaded date from on-premises cluster LastUploadedDate System.DateTime
Data controller state ProvisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the Azure Arc Data Controller resource.

    "id": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/contosodc",
    "name": "contosodc",
    "type": "microsoft.azurearcdata/datacontrollers",
    "location": "eastus",
    "extendedLocation": {
        "name": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/contoso",
        "type": "CustomLocation"
    "tags": {},
    "systemData": {
        "createdBy": "",
        "createdByType": "User",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-03T21:35:36.8412132Z",
        "lastModifiedBy": "319f651f-7ddb-4fc6-9857-7aef9250bd05",
        "lastModifiedByType": "Application",
        "lastModifiedAt": "2023-02-15T17:13:26.6429039Z"
    "properties": {
        "infrastructure": "azure",
        "onPremiseProperty": {
            "id": "4eb0a7a5-5ed6-4463-af71-12590b2fad5d",
            "publicSigningKey": "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",
            "signingCertificateThumbprint": "8FB48D0DD44DCFB25ECC13B9CB5F493F5438D38C"
        "k8sRaw": {
            "kind": "DataController",
            "spec": {
                "credentials": {
                    "dockerRegistry": "arc-private-registry",
                    "domainServiceAccount": "domain-service-account-secret",
                    "serviceAccount": "sa-arc-controller"
                "security": {
                    "allowDumps": true,
                    "allowNodeMetricsCollection": true,
                    "allowPodMetricsCollection": true
                "services": [
                        "name": "controller",
                        "port": 30080,
                        "serviceType": "LoadBalancer"
                "settings": {
                    "ElasticSearch": {
                        "vm.max_map_count": "-1"
                    "azure": {
                        "autoUploadMetrics": "true",
                        "autoUploadLogs": "false",
                        "subscription": "7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2",
                        "resourceGroup": "contoso-rg",
                        "location": "eastus",
                        "connectionMode": "direct"
                    "controller": {
                        "logs.rotation.days": "7",
                        "logs.rotation.size": "5000",
                        "displayName": "contosodc"
                "storage": {
                    "data": {
                        "accessMode": "ReadWriteOnce",
                        "className": "managed-premium",
                        "size": "15Gi"
                    "logs": {
                        "accessMode": "ReadWriteOnce",
                        "className": "managed-premium",
                        "size": "10Gi"
                "infrastructure": "azure",
                "docker": {
                    "registry": "",
                    "imageTag": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                    "repository": "arcdata",
                    "imagePullPolicy": "Always"
            "metadata": {
                "namespace": "contoso",
                "name": "contosodc",
                "annotations": {
                    "": "2022-03-01-preview",
                    "": "AzureCloud",
                    "": "aa531c88-6dfb-46c3-af5b-d93f7eaaf0f6",
                    "": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/contoso",
                    "": "eastus",
                    "": "265b98a7-0fc2-4dce-9cef-26f9b6dd000c*705EDFCA81D01028EFA1C3E9CB3CEC2BF472F25894ACB2FFDF955711236F486D",
                    "": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/contosodc",
                    "": "{\"createdBy\":\"9c1a17be-338f-4b3c-90e9-55eb526c5aef\",\"createdByType\":\"User\",\"createdAt\":\"2023-01-03T21:35:36.8412132Z\",\"resourceUID\":\"74087467-4f98-4a23-bacf-a1e40404457f\"}",
                    "": "123488bf-8asd-41wf-91ab-211kl345db47",
                    "traceparent": "00-197d885376f938d6138babf8ed4d809c-1a584b84b3c8f5df-01"
                "creationTimestamp": "2023-01-03T21:35:42Z",
                "generation": 2,
                "resourceVersion": "15446366",
                "uid": "4eb0a7a5-5ed6-4463-af71-12590b2fad5d"
            "apiVersion": "",
            "status": {
                "observedGeneration": 2,
                "state": "Ready",
                "azure": {
                    "uploadStatus": {
                        "logs": {
                            "lastUploadTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                            "message": "Automatic upload of logs is disabled. Execution time: 02/15/2023 17:07:57"
                        "metrics": {
                            "lastUploadTime": "2023-02-15T17:00:57.047934Z",
                            "message": "Success"
                        "usage": {
                            "lastUploadTime": "2023-02-15T17:07:53.843439Z",
                            "message": "Success. Records uploaded: 1."
                "lastUpdateTime": "2023-02-15T17:07:57.587925Z",
                "runningVersion": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                "arcDataServicesK8sExtensionLatestVersion": "v1.16.0",
                "registryVersions": {
                    "available": [
                    "behind": 2,
                    "current": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                    "latest": "v1.16.0_2023-02-14",
                    "next": "v1.15.0_2023-01-10",
                    "previous": "v1.13.0_2022-11-08"
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded"

PostgreSQL server - Azure Arc

Description Property name Property type
The data controller ID DataControllerId string
The instance admin name Admin string
Username and password for basic authentication BasicLoginInformation public: BasicLoginInformation 
The raw Kubernetes information (kubectl get postgres12) K8sRaw object
Last uploaded date from on premises cluster LastUploadedDate System.DateTime
Group provisioning state ProvisioningState string

SQL managed instance - Azure Arc

Description Property name Property type
The managed instance ID DataControllerId string
The instance admin username Admin string
The instance start time StartTime string
The instance end time EndTime string
The raw kubernetes information (kubectl get sqlmi) K8sRaw object
Username and password for basic authentication BasicLoginInformation BasicLoginInformation 
Last uploaded date from on-premises cluster LastUploadedDate System.DateTime 
SQL managed instance provisioning state ProvisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc resource.

    "id": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/sqlmi1",
    "name": "sqlmi1",
    "type": "microsoft.azurearcdata/sqlmanagedinstances",
    "sku": {
        "name": "vCore",
        "tier": "BusinessCritical"
    "location": "eastus",
    "extendedLocation": {
        "name": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourcegroups/contoso-rg/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/contoso",
        "type": "CustomLocation"
    "tags": {},
    "systemData": {
        "createdBy": "",
        "createdByType": "User",
        "createdAt": "2023-01-04T01:33:57.5232885Z",
        "lastModifiedBy": "319f651f-7ddb-4fc6-9857-7aef9250bd05",
        "lastModifiedByType": "Application",
        "lastModifiedAt": "2023-02-15T01:39:11.6582399Z"
    "properties": {
        "dataControllerId": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/contosodc",
        "admin": "sqladmin",
        "k8sRaw": {
            "spec": {
                "scheduling": {
                    "default": {
                        "resources": {
                            "requests": {
                                "cpu": "2",
                                "memory": "4Gi"
                            "limits": {
                                "cpu": "2",
                                "memory": "4Gi"
                "replicas": 2,
                "dev": true,
                "services": {
                    "primary": {
                        "type": "LoadBalancer"
                    "readableSecondaries": {}
                "readableSecondaries": 1,
                "syncSecondaryToCommit": 0,
                "storage": {
                    "data": {
                        "volumes": [
                                "size": "5Gi"
                    "logs": {
                        "volumes": [
                                "size": "5Gi"
                    "datalogs": {
                        "volumes": [
                                "size": "5Gi"
                    "backups": {
                        "volumes": [
                                "className": "azurefile",
                                "size": "5Gi"
                "security": {
                    "adminLoginSecret": "sqlmi1-login-secret"
                "tier": "BusinessCritical",
                "update": {},
                "backup": {
                    "retentionPeriodInDays": 7
                "licenseType": "LicenseIncluded",
                "orchestratorReplicas": 1,
                "parentResource": {
                    "apiGroup": "",
                    "kind": "DataController",
                    "name": "contosodc",
                    "namespace": "contoso"
                "settings": {
                    "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
                    "language": {
                        "lcid": 1033
                    "network": {
                        "forceencryption": 0,
                        "tlsprotocols": "1.2"
                    "sqlagent": {
                        "enabled": false
                    "timezone": "UTC"
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "": "2022-03-01-preview",
                    "": "AzureCloud",
                    "": "3a49178d-a09f-48d3-9292-3133f6591743",
                    "": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/microsoft.extendedlocation/customlocations/contoso",
                    "": "eastus",
                    "": "dbf2e708-78da-4762-8fd5-75ba43721b24*4C234309E6735F28E751F5734D64E8F98A910A88E54A1AD35C6469BCD0E6EA84",
                    "": "/subscriptions/7894901a-dfga-rf4d-85r4-cc1234459df2/resourceGroups/contoso-rg/providers/Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/sqlmi1",
                    "": "{\"createdBy\":\"9c1a17be-338f-4b3c-90e9-55eb526c5aef\",\"createdByType\":\"User\",\"createdAt\":\"2023-01-04T01:33:57.5232885Z\",\"resourceUID\":\"40fa8b55-4b7d-4d6a-b783-043169d7fd03\"}",
                    "": "123488bf-8asd-41wf-91ab-211kl345db47",
                    "traceparent": "00-3c07cf4caa8b4778591b02b1bf3979ef-f2ee2c890c21ea8a-01"
                "creationTimestamp": "2023-01-04T01:34:03Z",
                "generation": 1,
                "labels": {
                    "": "Microsoft.AzureArcData"
                "name": "sqlmi1",
                "namespace": "contoso",
                "resourceVersion": "15215035",
                "uid": "6d653cd8-f17e-437a-b0dc-48154164c1ad"
            "status": {
                "lastUpdateTime": "2023-02-15T01:39:07.691211Z",
                "observedGeneration": 1,
                "readyReplicas": "2/2",
                "roles": {
                    "sql": {
                        "replicas": 2,
                        "lastUpdateTime": "2023-02-14T11:37:14.875705Z",
                        "readyReplicas": 2
                "state": "Ready",
                "endpoints": {
                    "logSearchDashboard": ",query:'custom_resource_name:sqlmi1'))",
                    "metricsDashboard": "",
                    "mirroring": "",
                    "primary": ",1433",
                    "secondary": ",1433"
                "highAvailability": {
                    "lastUpdateTime": "2023-02-14T11:47:42.208708Z",
                    "mirroringCertificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDQzCCAiugAwIBAgIISqqmfCPaolkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwKDEmMCQGA1UEAxMdQ2x1c3Rl\r\nciBDZXJ0aWZpDEzNDA2WhcNMjgwMTAzMDEzNDA2WjAO\r\nMQwwCgYDVQQDEwNkYm0wggEiMA0GCSqgEKAoIBAQDEXj2nm2cGkyfu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\r\nA0xRalcXVZRZ1H0zbznGsecyBRJiA+7uxNB7/V6i+SjB/qxj2xKh4s8=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
                    "healthState": "Error",
                    "replicas": []
                "logSearchDashboard": ",query:'custom_resource_name:sqlmi1'))",
                "metricsDashboard": "",
                "primaryEndpoint": ",1433",
                "runningVersion": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                "registryVersions": {
                    "available": [],
                    "behind": 0,
                    "current": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                    "latest": "v1.14.0_2022-12-13",
                    "previous": "v1.13.0_2022-11-08"
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
        "licenseType": "LicenseIncluded"


Example of resource inventory data JSON document that is sent to Azure to create Azure resources in your subscription.


        "customObjectName": "<resource type>-2020-29-5-23-13-17-164711", 
        "uid": "4bc3dc6b-9148-4c7a-b7dc-01afc1ef5373", 
        "instanceName": "sqlInstance001", 
        "instanceNamespace": "arc", 
        "instanceType": "<resource>", 
        "location": "eastus", 
        "resourceGroupName": "production-resources", 
        "subscriptionId": "<subscription_id>", 
        "isDeleted": false, 
        "externalEndpoint": "", 
        "vCores": "2", 
        "createTimestamp": "05/29/2020 23:13:17", 
        "updateTimestamp": "05/29/2020 23:13:17" 

Billing data

Billing data is used for purposes of tracking usage that is billable. This data is essential for running of the service and needs to be transmitted manually or automatically in all modes.

Arc-enabled data services

Billing data captures the start time (“created”) and end time (“deleted”) of a given instance, as well as any start and time whenever a change in the number of cores available to a given instance (“core limit”) happens.

    "requestType": "usageUpload", 
    "clusterId": "4b0917dd-e003-480e-ae74-1a8bb5e36b5d", 
    "name": "DataControllerTestName", 
    "subscriptionId": "<subscription_id>", 
    "resourceGroup": "production-resources", 
    "location": "eastus", 
    "uploadRequest": { 
    "exportType": "usages", 
    "dataTimestamp": "2020-06-17T22:32:24Z", 
        \"type\":\"<resource type>\", 

Arc-enabled SQL Server

Billing data captures a snapshot of the SQL Server instance properties as well as the machine properties every hour and compose the usage upload payload to report usage. There is a snapshot time in the payload for each SQL Server instance. 

    "hostType": "Unknown",
    "osType": "Windows",
    "manufacturer": "Microsoft",
    "model": "Hyper-V",
    "isVirtualMachine": true,
    "serverName": "TestArcServer",
    "serverId": "<server id>",
    "location": "eastus",
    "timestamp": "2021-07-08T01:42:15.0388467Z",
    "uploadRequest": {
        "exportType": "usages",
        "dataTimestamp": "2020-06-17T22:32:24Z",
            \"subscriptionId\":\"<subscription id>\",\"resourceGroup\":\"ArceeBillingPipelineStorage_Test\",
            \"editionOriginalString\":\"Enterprise Edition: Core based licensing\",
            \"coreInfoOriginalString\":\"using 16 logical processors based on SQL Server licensing\",

Diagnostic data

In support situations, you may be asked to provide database instance logs, Kubernetes logs, and other diagnostic logs. The support team will provide a secure location for you to upload to. Dynamic management views (DMVs) may also provide diagnostic data. The DMVs or queries used could contain database schema metadata details but typically not customer data. Diagnostic data does not contain any passwords, cluster IPs or individually identifiable data. These are cleaned and the logs are made anonymous for storage when possible. They are not transmitted automatically and administrator has to manually upload them.

Field name Notes
Error logs Log files capturing errors may contain customer or personal data (see below) are restricted and shared by user
DMVs  Dynamic management views can contain query and query plans but are restricted and shared by user
Views Views can contain customer data but are restricted and shared only by user 
Crash dumps – customer data Maximum 30-day retention of crash dumps – may contain access control data

Statistics objects, data values within rows, query texts could be in customer crash dumps
Crash dumps – personal data Machine, logins/ user names, emails, location information, customer identification – require user consent to be included

Upload usage data to Azure Monitor