OData filter syntax in the Azure Web PubSub service

The Azure Web PubSub filter parameter defines inclusion or exclusion criteria for sending messages to connections. This parameter is used in the Send to all, Send to group, and Send to user operations.

This article provides the following resources:


A filter in the OData language is a Boolean expression. It can be one of several expression types, as shown in the EBNF description.

You can use an interactive syntax diagram to explore the syntax grammar rules.

The Formal grammar section of this article provides the complete EBNF.


By using the filter syntax, you can control sending messages to connections that match the identifier criteria. Azure Web PubSub supports the following identifiers:

Identifier Description Note Example
userId The user ID of the connection Case insensitive. It can be used in string operations. userId eq 'user1'
connectionId The connection ID of the connection Case insensitive. It can be used in string operations. connectionId ne '123'
groups The collection of groups that the connection is currently in Case insensitive. It can be used in collection operations. 'group1' in groups

Identifiers refer to the property value of a connection. Azure Web PubSub supports three identifiers that match the property name of the connection model. The service supports the userId and connectionId identifiers in string operations, and it supports the groups identifier in collection operations.

For example, to filter out connections with a user ID of user1, you specify the filter as userId eq 'user1'. Read through the following sections for more examples of using the filter.

Boolean expressions

The expression for a filter is a Boolean expression. Azure Web PubSub sends messages to connections with filter expressions evaluated to true.

The types of Boolean expressions include:

  • Logical expressions that combine other Boolean expressions by using the operators and, or, and not.
  • Comparison expressions, which compare fields or range variables to constant values by using the operators eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, and le.
  • The Boolean literals true and false. These constants can be useful sometimes when you're programmatically generating filters. Otherwise, they don't tend to be used in practice.
  • Boolean expressions in parentheses. Using parentheses helps to explicitly determine the order of operations in a filter. The Operator precedence section of this article describes the default precedence of the OData operators.

Supported operations

The filter syntax supports the following operations:

Operator Description Example
Logical operators
and Logical and length(userId) le 10 and length(userId) gt 3
or Logical or length(userId) gt 10 or length(userId) le 3
not Logical negation not endswith(userId, 'milk')
Comparison operators
eq Equal userId eq 'user1',
userId eq null
ne Not equal userId ne 'user1',
userId ne null
gt Greater than length(userId) gt 10
ge Greater than or equal length(userId) ge 10
lt Less than length(userId) lt 3
le Less than or equal 'group1' in groups,
user in ('user1','user2')
In operator
in Right operand must be either a comma-separated list of primitive values, enclosed in parentheses, or a single expression that resolves to a collection userId ne 'user1'
Grouping operator
() Controls the evaluation order of an expression userId eq 'user1' or (not (startswith(userId,'user2'))
String functions
string tolower(string p) Gets the lower case for the string value tolower(userId) eq 'user1' can match connections for user USER1
string toupper(string p) Gets the upper case for the string value toupper(userId) eq 'USER1' can match connections for user user1
string trim(string p) Trims the string value trim(userId) eq 'user1' can match connections for user user1
string substring(string p, int startIndex),
string substring(string p, int startIndex, int length)
Substring of the string substring(userId,5,2) eq 'ab' can match connections for user user-ab-de
bool endswith(string p0, string p1) Checks if p0 ends with p1 endswith(userId,'de') can match connections for user user-ab-de
bool startswith(string p0, string p1) Checks if p0 starts with p1 startswith(userId,'user') can match connections for user user-ab-de
int indexof(string p0, string p1) Gets the index of p1 in p0, or returns -1 if p0 doesn't contain p1 indexof(userId,'-ab-') ge 0 can match connections for user user-ab-de
int length(string p) Gets the length of the input string length(userId) gt 1 can match connections for user user-ab-de
Collection function
int length(collection p) Gets the length of the collection length(groups) gt 1 can match connections in two groups

Operator precedence

If you write a filter expression with no parentheses around its subexpressions, the Azure Web PubSub service will evaluate it according to a set of operator precedence rules. These rules are based on which operators are used to combine subexpressions. The following table lists groups of operators in order from highest to lowest precedence:

Group Operators
Logical operators not
Comparison operators eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le
Logical operators and
Logical operators or

An operator that's higher in the preceding table will "bind more tightly" to its operands than other operators do. For example, and has higher precedence than or, and comparison operators have higher precedence than either of them. So, the following two expressions are equivalent:

length(userId) gt 0 and length(userId) lt 3 or length(userId) gt 7 and length(userId) lt 10
((length(userId) gt 0) and (length(userId) lt 3)) or ((length(userId) gt 7) and (length(userId) lt 10))

The not operator has the highest precedence of all. It's even higher than the comparison operators. If you write a filter like this:

not length(userId) gt 5

You'll get this error message:

Invalid syntax for 'not length(userId)': Type 'null', expect 'bool'. (Parameter 'filter')

This error happens because the operator is associated with just the length(userId) expression, and not with the entire comparison expression. The length(userId) expression is of type null when userId is null. The fix is to put the operand of not in parentheses:

not (length(userId) gt 5)

Filter size limitations

There are limits to the size and complexity of filter expressions that you can send to the Azure Web PubSub service. The limits are based roughly on the number of clauses in your filter expression. A good guideline is that if you have more than 100 clauses, you're at risk of exceeding the limit. To avoid exceeding the limit, design your application so that it doesn't generate filters of unbounded size.


Send to multiple groups:

filter='group1' in groups or 'group2' in groups or 'group3' in groups

Send to multiple users in a specific group:

filter=userId in ('user1', 'user2', 'user3') and 'group1' in groups

Send to a user but not a specific connection ID:

filter=userId eq 'user1' and connectionId ne '123'

Send to a user who's not in a specific group:

filter=userId eq 'user1' and (not ('group1' in groups))

Escape ' when the user ID contains ':

filter=userId eq 'user''1'

Formal grammar

The following Extended Backus-Naur Form grammar can describe the subset of the OData language that the Azure Web PubSub service supports. This grammar lists rules "top down," by starting with the most complex expressions and then breaking them down into more primitive expressions. The top is the grammar rule for $filter that corresponds to the specific filter parameter of the Azure Web PubSub service's Send* REST APIs.

/* Top-level rule */

filter_expression ::= boolean_expression

/* Identifiers */
string_identifier ::= 'connectionId' | 'userId' 
collection_identifier ::= 'groups'

/* Rules for $filter */

boolean_expression ::= logical_expression
                     | comparison_expression
                     | in_expression
                     | boolean_literal
                     | boolean_function_call
                     | '(' boolean_expression ')'

logical_expression ::= boolean_expression ('and' | 'or') boolean_expression
                     | 'not' boolean_expression

comparison_expression ::= primary_expression comparison_operator primary_expression

in_expression ::= primary_expression 'in'  ( '(' primary_expression (',' primary_expression)* ')' ) | collection_expression  

collection_expression ::= collection_variable
                        | '(' collection_expression ')'

primary_expression ::= primary_variable 
                     | function_call
                     | constant
                     | '(' primary_expression ')'

string_expression ::= string_literal
                    | 'null'
                    | string_identifier
                    | string_function_call
                    | '(' string_expression ')'

primary_variable ::= string_identifier 
collection_variable ::= collection_identifier

comparison_operator ::= 'gt' | 'lt' | 'ge' | 'le' | 'eq' | 'ne'

/* Rules for constants and literals */
constant     ::=      string_literal
                    | integer_literal
                    | boolean_literal
                    | 'null'

boolean_literal ::= 'true' | 'false'

string_literal ::= "'"([^'] | "''")*"'"

digit ::= [0-9]
sign ::= '+' | '-'
integer_literal ::= sign? digit+

boolean_literal ::= 'true' | 'false'

/* Rules for functions */

function_call ::= indexof_function_call 
                | length_function_call 
                | string_function_call
                | boolean_function_call

boolean_function_call ::= endsWith_function_call 
                        | startsWith_function_call 
                        | contains_function_call
string_function_call  ::= tolower_function_call 
                        | toupper_function_call  
                        | trim_function_call 
                        | substring_function_call 
                        | concat_function_call

/* Rules for string functions */
indexof_function_call    ::= "indexof"     '(' string_expression ',' string_expression ')'
concat_function_call     ::= "concat"     '(' string_expression ',' string_expression ')'
contains_function_call   ::= "contains"   '(' string_expression ',' string_expression ')'
endsWith_function_call   ::= "endswith"   '(' string_expression ',' string_expression ')'
startsWith_function_call ::= "startswith" '(' string_expression ',' string_expression ')'
substring_function_call  ::= "substring"  '(' string_expression ',' integer_literal (',' integer_literal)? ')'
tolower_function_call    ::= "tolower"    '(' string_expression ')'
toupper_function_call    ::= "toupper"    '(' string_expression ')'
trim_function_call       ::= "trim"       '(' string_expression ')'

/* Rules for string and collection functions */
length_function_call     ::= "length"     '(' string_expression | collection_expression ')'

Next steps

Use these resources to start building your own application: