Project Acoustics Unreal and Wwise Integration

This article describes how to integrate the Project Acoustics plug-in package into your existing Unreal and Wwise game project.


Software requirements:

If you're using a direct integration of the Wwise SDK instead of the Wwise Unreal plug-in, consult the Project Acoustics Unreal plug-in and adjust Wwise API calls.

Download Project Acoustics

Download the Project Acoustics Unreal and Wwise plug-in package if you haven't already.

An Unreal Engine plug-in and a Wwise plug-in are included in the package. The Unreal plug-in provides editor and runtime integration. During gameplay, the Project Acoustics Unreal plug-in computes parameters such as occlusion for each game object for each frame. These parameters are translated into Wwise API calls.

Install the Project Acoustics plug-in for Wwise

  1. Open the Wwise launcher. On the Plug-ins tab, under Install New Plug-ins, select Add from Directory.

    Install a plug-in in the Wwise launcher

  2. Select the AcousticsWwisePlugin\ProjectAcoustics directory that's in the download package. It contains the Wwise plug-in bundle.

    Wwise will install the plug-in. Project Acoustics should appear on the installed plug-ins list in Wwise.
    The Wwise installed plug-ins list after Project Acoustics installation

Redeploy Wwise into your game

Redeploy Wwise into your game even if you've already integrated Wwise. This step adds the Project Acoustics Wwise plug-in to any existing integration.


Engine plug-in: If you have Wwise installed as a game plug-in in an Unreal C++ project, skip this step. If it's installed instead as an engine plug-in, for instance because your Unreal project is Blueprint only, Wwise deployment with our plug-in is more complex. Create a dummy empty Unreal C++ project. Close the Unreal editor if it opens and follow the remaining procedure to deploy Wwise into the dummy project. Then, copy out the deployed Wwise plug-in.

  1. From the Wwise launcher, select the Unreal Engine tab. Select the "hamburger" (icon) menu next to Recent Unreal Engine Projects and then select Browse for project. Open your game's Unreal project .uproject file.

    The Wwise launcher Unreal tab

  2. Select Integrate Wwise in Project or Modify Wwise in Project. This step integrates Wwise binaries into your project, including the Project Acoustics plug-in for Wwise.


    Engine plug-in: If you're using Wwise as an engine plug-in and you created the dummy project as described earlier, copy the folder that Wwise deployed: [DummyUProject]\Plugins\Wwise. Paste it over [UESource]\Engine\Plugins\Wwise. [DummyUProject] is the empty Unreal C++ project path, and [UESource] is where the Unreal Engine sources are installed. After you copy the folder, you can delete the dummy project.

Add the Project Acoustics Unreal plug-in to your game

  1. Copy the Unreal\ProjectAcousticsWwise folder from the downloaded plug-in package to your project's directory, e.g. [UProjectDir]\Plugins\ProjectAcousticsWwise, where [UProjectDir] is your game's project folder that contains the .uproject file.


    Engine plug-in: If you're using Wwise as an engine plug-in, you should use Project Acoustics as an Unreal engine plug-in as well. Instead of the destination directory cited previously, use [UESource]\Engine\Plugins\ProjectAcousticsWwise.

  2. Confirm that you see a Wwise folder alongside the ProjectAcousticsWwise folder. It contains the Wwise plug-in along with its binaries that you deployed earlier.

Extend Wwise Unreal plug-in functionality


This section only applies to versions of Wwise 2021 and lower. Skip this section if using Wwise 2022 or newer.

The Project Acoustics Unreal plug-in requires additional behavior exposed from the Wwise Unreal plug-in API per these guidelines. We've included a batch file to automate the patching procedure.

  • Inside Plugins\ProjectAcousticsWwise\Resources, run PatchWwise.bat.

Build the game and check that Python is enabled

  1. Compile your game, and make sure that it builds correctly. If it doesn't build, check the previous steps carefully before you continue.

  2. Open your project in Unreal Editor.


    Engine plug-in: If you're using ProjectAcoustics as an engine plug-in, also make sure that it's enabled under "built-in" plug-ins.

    You should see a new mode, which indicates that Project Acoustics has been integrated.

    Acoustics mode full in Unreal

  3. Confirm that the Python plug-in for Unreal is enabled so that editor integration functions correctly.

    The Python extensions in the Unreal editor enabled

Set up your Wwise project to use Project Acoustics

  1. From the Project menu, select Import Factory Assets.

    Screenshot of importing factory assets

  2. Select Project Acoustics from the list of available assets.

    Screenshot of selecting Project Acoustics factory assets

An example Wwise project is included in the samples download. We recommend that you view it along with these instructions. The screenshots later in this article are from this project. There are many options for integrating Project Acoustics with Wwise. All options are represented within the sample project, although some of them are disabled by default.

Dry path

For a fully cross-platform HRTF solution for headphones, we recommend our Project Acoustics Spatializer plug-in. Otherwise, we suggest using Wwise's 3D Spatialization.

Project Acoustics Spatializer (for headphones only)

Project Acoustics Spatializer is not compatible with Wwise's 3D Spatialization. You must pick one or the other.

Create a parent audio bus (shown as Headphone Mix below). Set its bus configuration to Audio Objects.

Screenshot of audio bus in Wwise 2021 with bus configuration set to audio objects

Go the the Effects tab and add the Project Acoustics Spatializer.

Screenshot of adding the Project Acoustics Spatializer as an effect

Open the plugin's Effect Editor and set Distance Units Per Meter based on your game engine (e.g. 100 for Unreal Engine, 1 for Unity).

Screenshot of setting Spatializer Distance Units Per Meter to 100

Wwise's 3D Spatialization

Wwise's 3D Spatialization is not compatible with Project Acoustics Spatializer. You must pick one or the other.

Open the settings panel for the System Audio Device. Check the boxes for Allow 3D Audio and Allow System Audio Objects as shown below.

Screenshot of enabling 3D audio on the system audio device

For more information on 3D audio support in Wwise, refer to Audiokinetic's documentation.

Wet path

We support two reverb methods:


You only need to setup the reverb method you wish to use, but our Unreal Editor plugin allows you switch between the two at game start (if both are enabled).

Project Acoustics Spatial Reverb


You may skip this section if only using Wwise convolution reverb.

Project Acoustics Spatial Reverb enables object-based directionally-aware reverb that can be spatialized how you like, using Project Acoustics Spatializer, Wwise's 3D Spatialization, or even panning.

To begin, create a new aux bus, navigate to its Effects tab, and add the Project Acoustics Spatial Reverb. If using Project Acoustics Spatializer, place this bus under your Headphone Mix bus.

Screenshot of adding the spatial reverb effect to an aux bus

Open the plugin's Effect Editor and set Distance Units Per Meter based on your game engine (e.g. 100 for Unreal Engine, 1 for Unity).

Screenshot of setting Spatial Reverb Distance Units Per Meter to 100

Enabling spatial reverb on actor-mixers

There are three steps to enable spatial reverb on each actor-mixer.

  1. Under General Settings, add the spatial reverb bus to the User-defined Auxiliary Sends.

    Screenshot of setting a user-defined aux send

  2. Under Metadata, add PA_Metadata_RTPCs share-set.

    Screenshot of applying the metadata share-set

    This share-set provides the default mapping from game syncs to reverb parameters. The metadata is attached to audio objects for this Actor-mixer, and is consumed by the Project Acoustics Spatial Reverb plugin.

  3. Under Positioning, enable Attenuation and open the Attenuation Editor. Select Custom as the Auxiliary send volumes (User-defined) curve. Draw a horizontal line, starting at 0.0, and ending with a desired rolloff. You can adjust this curve to control the wetness level.

    Screenshot of adjusting user-defined aux curves

Modifying spatial reverb metadata

To design the reverb parameters, open up the share-set (or a copy) in the Metadata Editor and select the RTPC tab. For each parameter, the X-axis is the value provided by the Project Acoustics game engine plugin, and the Y-axis is the interpreted value passed on to the spatial reverb plugin. By default, these are all 1:1 linear mappings - the spatial reverb gets the exact value produced by Project Acoustics. To modify these values, draw design curves as you would for any other game sync. An example curve is drawn below.

Screenshot of designing the reverb time parameter

Wwise Convolution Reverb


You may skip this section if only using Project Acoustics Spatial Reverb.


Make sure you have Wwise Convolution Reverb plugin installed via the Wwise Launcher before proceeding. The plugin requires a license to use in your projects. Contact your Audiokinetic representative to obtain a license.

Before continuing, it is good practice to ensure the Factory Assets were imported properly. Most Wwise projects will be OK, but some custom configurations may have lost the link to the impulse responses necessary inside the convolution reverb presets. In Wwise, navigate to the ShareSets tab. Under Effects, expand ProjectAcoustics. Click through each of the Convolution_ presets and ensure that the impulse response is populated in the effect window. If any are missing, you'll need to manually relink them. The impulse responses will be in your project's Originals/Plugins/Wwise Convolution Reverb directory.

  1. Ensure you have Python 3 installed, open a command prompt and run:

    py -3 -m pip install waapi-client

    This adds the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI) to your python installation.

  2. With your Wwise project open, run (located in the Wwise plugin bundle).


    Ensure only a single Wwise project is open when running this script.

    When it is finished, you will see new busses in your Wwise project:


    Bus Names: Do not change the names of any busses created by The Unreal Engine plugin code looks for these busses by name. Changing their names will break this connection.

    Screenshot of auto-generated aux busses

    This script uses WAAPI to configure Wwise convolution reverb on your behalf. Appropriate Impulse Responses are included in the Project Acoustics Factory Assets. This script creates the required aux busses and adds instances of Wwise Convolution Reverb with the expected impulse response populated. You may swap out these impulse responses for your own at any time. If you want to go back to default settings, the fastest thing to do is to delete the entire tree of aux busses and re-run

Enabling convolution reverb on actor-mixers

There are three steps to enable convolution reverb on each actor-mixer.

  1. Under General Settings tab, enable Use game-defined aux sends.

    Screenshot showing game-defined auxiliary sends

  2. Under Positioning, enable Attenuation and open the Attenuation Editor. Select Custom as the Auxiliary send volumes (Game-defined) curve. Draw a horizontal line, starting at 0.0, and ending with a desired rolloff. You can adjust this curve to control the wetness level.

    Screenshot of adjusting game-defined aux curves

Convolution reverb with sound banks


If you are only using event-based-packaging, you may skip this section.

If you are using sound banks, make sure to add the ProjectAcoustics Effect ShareSet to your sound bank, otherwise the impulse responses will not be correctly deployed as part of your bank.

Screenshot of adding factory assets to sound bank

Audio setup in Unreal

  1. First, you need to bake your game level to produce an acoustics asset, which will be placed in Content\Acoustics. Consult the Unreal Bake Tutorial. Some pre-baked levels are included in the sample package.
  1. In your Unreal project settings, navigate to Plugins > Project Acoustics and select either Spatial Reverb or Stereo Convolution as your chosen reverb type.

    Screenshot of Unreal plugin settings

  2. Create an Acoustics space actor in your scene. Only create one of these actors in a level, because it represents the acoustics for the whole level.

    Creation of an Acoustics space actor in the Unreal editor

  3. Assign the baked acoustic data asset to the Acoustics data slot on the Acoustics space actor. Your scene now has acoustics!

    Acoustics asset assignment in the Unreal editor

Adding acoustics to an actor

The Unreal editor shows Acoustics component usage in an empty actor

  1. Add an Acoustics audio component to the actor. This component adds Project Acoustics functionality to the Wwise audio component.

  2. This setting triggers an associated Wwise event at level startup. If you don't want the event to trigger as soon as the actor is spawned, uncheck this.

  3. Use the Show Acoustics Parameters check box to print on-screen debug information about the source.

    The Unreal editor Acoustics panel on sound source with debug values enabled

  4. Assign a Wwise event per the usual Wwise workflow.

You're all set. Move around the scene and explore the acoustic effects!

Next steps