Microsoft Entra permissions for communication as Teams user

In this article, you will learn about Microsoft Entra permissions available for communication as a Teams user in Azure Communication Services. Microsoft Entra application for Azure Communication Services provides delegated permissions for chat and calling. Both permissions are required to exchange Microsoft Entra access token for Communication Services access token for Teams users.

Delegated permissions

Permission Display string Description Admin consent required Microsoft account supported Manage calls in Teams Start, join, forward, transfer, or leave Teams calls and update call properties. No No Manage chats in Teams Create, read, update, and delete 1:1 or group chat threads on behalf of the signed-in user. Read, send, update, and delete messages in chat threads on behalf of the signed-in user. No No

Application permissions


  • Global admin
  • Application admin
  • Cloud application admin

Find more details in Microsoft Entra documentation.