(DEPRECATED) Use ACR with a DC/OS cluster to deploy your application


The Azure Container Service (ACS) is being deprecated. No new features or functionality are being added to ACS. All of the APIs, portal experience, CLI commands and documentation are marked as deprecated.

For more information, see the Azure Container Service deprecation announcement on Azure.com.

We recommend that you deploy one of the following Azure Marketplace solutions:

If you want to use Kubernetes, see Azure Kubernetes Service.

In this article, we explore how to use Azure Container Registry with a DC/OS cluster. Using ACR allows you to privately store and manage container images. This tutorial covers the following tasks:

  • Deploy Azure Container Registry (if needed)
  • Configure ACR authentication on a DC/OS cluster
  • Uploaded an image to the Azure Container Registry
  • Run a container image from the Azure Container Registry

You need an ACS DC/OS cluster to complete the steps in this tutorial. If needed, this script sample can create one for you.

This tutorial requires the Azure CLI version 2.0.4 or later. Run az --version to find the version. If you need to upgrade, see Install the Azure CLI.

Use Azure Cloud Shell

Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser. You can use either Bash or PowerShell with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services. You can use the Cloud Shell preinstalled commands to run the code in this article without having to install anything on your local environment.

To start Azure Cloud Shell:

Option Example/Link
Select Try It in the upper-right corner of a code block. Selecting Try It doesn't automatically copy the code to Cloud Shell. Example of Try It for Azure Cloud Shell
Go to https://shell.azure.com, or select the Launch Cloud Shell button to open Cloud Shell in your browser. Launch Cloud Shell in a new window
Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu bar at the upper right in the Azure portal. Cloud Shell button in the Azure portal

To run the code in this article in Azure Cloud Shell:

  1. Start Cloud Shell.

  2. Select the Copy button on a code block to copy the code.

  3. Paste the code into the Cloud Shell session by selecting Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows and Linux or by selecting Cmd+Shift+V on macOS.

  4. Select Enter to run the code.

Deploy Azure Container Registry

If needed, create an Azure Container registry with the az acr create command.

The following example creates a registry with a randomly generate name. The registry is also configured with an admin account using the --admin-enabled argument.

az acr create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myContainerRegistry$RANDOM --sku Basic

Once the registry has been created, the Azure CLI outputs data similar to the following. Take note of the name and loginServer, these are used in later steps.

  "adminUserEnabled": false,
  "creationDate": "2017-06-06T03:40:56.511597+00:00",
  "id": "/subscriptions/f2799821-a08a-434e-9128-454ec4348b10/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/myContainerRegistry23489",
  "location": "eastus",
  "loginServer": "mycontainerregistry23489.azurecr.io",
  "name": "myContainerRegistry23489",
  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "sku": {
    "name": "Basic",
    "tier": "Basic"
  "storageAccount": {
    "name": "mycontainerregistr034017"
  "tags": {},
  "type": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries"

Get the container registry credentials using the az acr credential show command. Substitute the --name with the one noted in the last step. Take note of one password, it is needed in a later step.

az acr credential show --name myContainerRegistry23489

For more information on Azure Container Registry, see Introduction to private Docker container registries.

Manage ACR authentication

The conventional way to push and pull image from a private registry is to first authenticate with the registry. To do so, you would use the docker login command on any client that needs to access the private registry. Because a DC/OS cluster can contain many nodes, all of which need to be authenticated with the ACR, it is helpful to automate this process across each node.

Create shared storage

This process uses an Azure file share that has been mounted on each node in the cluster. If you have not already set up shared storage, see Setup a file share inside a DC/OS cluster.

Configure ACR authentication

First, get the FQDN of the DC/OS master and store it in a variable.

FQDN=$(az acs list --resource-group myResourceGroup --query "[0].masterProfile.fqdn" --output tsv)

Create an SSH connection with the master (or the first master) of your DC/OS-based cluster. Update the user name if a non-default value was used when creating the cluster.

ssh azureuser@$FQDN

Run the following command to login to the Azure Container Registry. Replace the --username with the name of the container registry, and the --password with one of the provided passwords. Replace the last argument mycontainerregistry.azurecr.io in the example with the loginServer name of the container registry.

This command stores the authentication values locally under the ~/.docker path.

docker -H tcp://localhost:2375 login --username=myContainerRegistry23489 --password=//=ls++q/m+w+pQDb/xCi0OhD=2c/hST mycontainerregistry.azurecr.io

Create a compressed file that contains the container registry authentication values.

tar czf docker.tar.gz .docker

Copy this file to the cluster shared storage. This step makes the file available on all nodes of the DC/OS cluster.

cp docker.tar.gz /mnt/share/dcosshare

Upload image to ACR

Now from a development machine, or any other system with Docker installed, create an image and upload it to the Azure Container Registry.

Create a container from the Ubuntu image.

docker run ubuntu --name base-image

Now capture the container into a new image. The image name needs to include the loginServer name of the container registry with a format of loginServer/imageName.

docker -H tcp://localhost:2375 commit base-image mycontainerregistry30678.azurecr.io/dcos-demo

Login into the Azure Container Registry. Replace the name with the loginServer name, the --username with the name of the container registry, and the --password with one of the provided passwords.

docker login --username=myContainerRegistry23489 --password=//=ls++q/m+w+pQDb/xCi0OhD=2c/hST mycontainerregistry2675.azurecr.io

Finally, upload the image to the ACR registry. This example uploads an image named dcos-demo.

docker push mycontainerregistry30678.azurecr.io/dcos-demo

Run an image from ACR

To use an image from the ACR registry, create a file names acrDemo.json and copy the following text into it. Replace the image name with the container registry loginServer name and image name, for example loginServer/imageName. Take note of the uris property. This property holds the location of the container registry authentication file, which in this case is the Azure file share that is mounted on each node in the DC/OS cluster.

  "id": "myapp",
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "mycontainerregistry30678.azurecr.io/dcos-demo",
      "network": "BRIDGE",
      "portMappings": [
          "containerPort": 80,
          "hostPort": 80,
          "protocol": "tcp",
          "name": "80",
          "labels": null
  "instances": 3,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 65,
  "healthChecks": [{
      "protocol": "HTTP",
      "path": "/",
      "portIndex": 0,
      "timeoutSeconds": 10,
      "gracePeriodSeconds": 10,
      "intervalSeconds": 2,
      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 10
  "uris":  [

Deploy the application with the DC/OC CLI.

dcos marathon app add acrDemo.json

Next steps

In this tutorial you have configure DC/OS to use Azure Container Registry including the following tasks:

  • Deploy Azure Container Registry (if needed)
  • Configure ACR authentication on a DC/OS cluster
  • Uploaded an image to the Azure Container Registry
  • Run a container image from the Azure Container Registry